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Hye peep how are you guys keeping up? I know this part is much later then expected and I apologies for the inconvenience. I was having writers block but I guess it's gone or rather hope it's gone. I am not sure when the next part will be up but I will try to make it within a week.


Hope you guys enjoy this part so dive in.

There is a question I have so if you all could answer it for me

Can you share some of the most incredible good or bad moments of your college,  university or school life with me????????????

Please do answer




"Well the incident that day drove a wedge between two boys and pretty much huge chunk of our class too. Rabhgir had a good amount of support from boys in our class while Abhay he had support from the university student council, his cousin is our university's Congress party president. So obviously he had the dirty politics thing." Sukanya started her regular investigation interrogation. "A few days after that passed by just fine." Sukanya looked at Adhiraj and then back in her lap where her fingers were entangled in each other her only source of immediate comfort.

"One day after our regular class we sat in the parking lot talking to each other."


"Let's play spill the truth guys." Parinaaz suggested.

"What is spill the truth?" Raghbir asked her.

"Umm..... it's like one of us will ask a question and all of us will give a truthful reply to that question. Then other one will ask a question and so on. Like this we will get to know each other better. What's say?" Parinaaz explained.

"Cool. I am in." Aakaanksha agreed and so did the rest of us.

"Alright so I will begin." Parinaaz volunteered, "Umm.... who was your first kiss?"

When she said that I coughed hard just because I never expected such a question from anyone.

"I haven't kissed anyone yet." Aakaanksha said straight away.

"Neither have I." I said it next.

But the rest three weren't like us they had had their first kiss already so they turned to look at each other and chuckled.

"Umm.... My first kiss was with my first boyfriend and it was pretty intense and interesting." Shubhangi said winking cheekily at us.

"I have kissed quite a lot of girls." Raghbir said in his playboy style, "The first one was nice. I was exploring. I guess."

"Umm.... I kissed my boyfriend and he didn't even know how to kiss." Parinaaz says wrinkling her nose in disgust and everyone chuckles.

"Okay I will go next." Aakaanksha volunteered,  "Your worst memory ever."

"Not being able to go to America after 12th." says Shubhangi.

"Loosing the girl I really loved." Raghbir answers.

"Who was that?" Everyone asks a little interested.

"Long story will tell you guys some other time." He swiftly ignores the question.

"Well..... mine.... I guess was when my best friend left me and went to Canada." Parinaaz answers leaving Sukanya and Aakaanksha to answer.

"Ummm..... mine, mine was passing away of my grandfather (Shakti Singh Oberoi)." Sukanya says in meek tone.

"Was it hard." Raghbir asks sympathetically.

Sukanya looks at him and sighing heavily replies, "Yup. Really hard."

Everyone turned to Aakaanksha, "My best friend from childhood went to study in Chandigarh and I miss him bad. Not having him here is the worst thing."

Next it's Raghbir's turn so he asks, "Has anyone had their first sex here?"

Aakaanksha,  Shubhangi and I nodded in negative. Staying with Raghbir and Parinaaz one thing that was pretty clear was that both loved chatting about sex and sex related stuff. In the beginning it was awkward but then it became normal but unfortunately I never got accustomed to it.

"I have done it once." Parinaaz said fidgeting with her fingers and biting her lips. Undoubtedly that was shocking to hear.

"Thank god. I am not the only one here." Raghbir said relieved comically. "So who was the guy."

"Umm.... my friend that is in Canada now. There was this wedding in Udaipur where I got too drunk and he escorted me to my room and I literally vomited on him and he helped me clean up and just in the heat of moment it happened. It was more like a see off gift for him."


"Awkward. Right." Sukanya says looking at Adhiraj who doesn't reply but she knew the answer. "Then the next morning when I came in class Parinaaz wanted to talk to me and this one had a different edge. She told me that yesterday she lied and she hasn't lost her virginity yet. I really didn't care at all I guess so I was just fine with it but clueless why would someone lie about something like that. She did answer that question too. She told me that her friend Oni whom she knew from school was in relationship with Raghbir's best friend Ruhaan who left Oni and made excuses about his family. Parinaaz only wanted to gain Raghbir's trust and wanted to know about the real reason Ruhaan left Oni. To help Oni know the truth. I guess it sounds pretty bad when I say it now but back then to me it was something that wasn't my business. I didn't know back then what I was going to be dragged into. So at that time I was fine with all of that. A few days from then I for the first time met Kaynat. She seemed like a loner. Her burqa made her stand out in the class but there weren't many people there who befriended her but I took the opportunity to talk to her and that's when the group of 5 became group of 6. Technically, I guess. A week from then we bunked our first class. We chatted for long hours that day and eventually whenever we were free we use to do that. Initially we all thought Kaynat was very innocent and sweet but somehow Parinaaz figured out that Kaynat understood everything. Every single double meaning thing was understood by her. She seemed innocent but wasn't that innocent. After university hours too sometimes I stayed back and we chatted. That became our kinda routine.  Shubhangi didn't attend many classes she was a phone freak. Always on phone talking to guys. At one single time she literally flirted with 4-5 boys or more maybe. She had a guy from school, two on phone, one in Canada and still she always flirted with Raghbir. Thing with Raghbir is he flirts with everyone. There wasn't a day since I knew him he would come to university on time and he wasn't high or drunk. That guy literally came to university eveheyday after drinking for hours and being with any random girl. When he came he didn't attend classes. Raghbir and Patinaaz had become really good friends. They both spent a lot of time together talking and all. So did Shubhangi. So did Kaynat. So did Aakaanksha and So did I. We enjoyed each other's company. During this time Parinaaz had told everyone why she lied about her virginity to Raghbir accept for Shubhangi and I have no idea why. Days rolled by and it was Kaynat,'s birthday. It wasn't that good a day. Shubhangi was ill so we had to take her to the infirmary. She had high fever and we couldn't go out with her. A few hours later Raghbir came with a girl and he was injured and with a cake. Kaynat was happy to have that cake while we apologized for not taking her out on her birthday and celebrating it she said she was glad to have us and obviously we can't leave Shubhangi and Raghbir. Raghbir introduced us to his girlfriend Kelly Murphy she was a tall beautiful brunette from Australia.  We talked for a while and cut the cake. It was a pleasant afternoon. Then Raghbir went to drop his girlfriend. We waited for him to come back but he couldn't make it. We all stayed for a while and eventually left. After that day Parinaaz too became very irregular. Shubhangi was diagnosed with dengue so she couldn't come. Leaving Kaynat, Aakaanksha and me. During this time Aakaanksha and Abhay friendship grew. Parinaaz always had a weird reason for missing university. Things slowly began to get complicated. One fine day when I had to make a payment and for that I went to admin block with Parinaaz. She had a whole new story to tell me. She told me what big a jerk Raghbir was. He dated multiple girls at a time just to sleep with them. Every day he at least three times slept with a girl in different hotels. He drank alcohol and did drugs. That was one side of the story next she told me that Abhay was an amazing guy. Like the only best guy. Next day she had a different story to tell. Abhay became the villain and Raghbir became the hero, she said that Abhay used her just to get close to Aakaanksha and he just knew how to take advantage of people. The next day she told me that there was no better guy than Abhay and he was like a brother to her, she even called him close to being a god while Raghbir became the worst man on earth. That was enough for me. I was done hearing her bullshit so I finally decided to call her out on it. My biggest mistake was to think that she was a victim being manipulated. I asked her to use her mind because she was being brainwashed. But she didn't seem to believe me. She even told me that Abhay did a background check on Raghbir and found out loads of things about him and she hated Raghbir. I just couldn't help and ended up being frustrated by all the nonsense. It wasn't till then that I had talked to Abhay. That was the first time I talked to him. He seemed self obsessed guy. Soon enough I realised that he is more like a dog wagging his tail in front of his cousins who ruled the politics in university."

She halts abruptly as Adhiraj's phone rings, "It's urgent I need to take the call." Sukanya nods in understanding.

"Sukanya we will continue this later. I have an urgent case." Sukanya nods in agreement.

"Okay, Adhiraj. Bye."

Sukanya looks at the balcony from where her entire family departs.

"Sukanya we need to talk." Shivaay says as the entire family surrounds them.

"What is it dad?" Sukanya asks.

Shivaay bites his lower lip while his eyes look at Anika and he is not sure about the words in his mind at that time but they anyhow leave his mouth, "Atharv and you should go with Anika and stay at Awasthi's house."

"Why?" Sukanya asks skeptically.

"Don't dad." Atharv cuts them knowing what Shivaay ment, Shivaay looks at him confused by his reaction, "I know what you are going to say but please don't."

"No Atharv you don't understand...."

"Please dad...."

"What??? What do you mean Atharv? What's going on here?" Sukanya asks while everyone looks at them confused and curiously.

"Nothing Sukanya. Let me handle this." Atharv says to Sukanya and then moving towards Shivaay he tries to take him outside, "Please dad let's talk."

"No Atharv I have made my mind."

"What mind???? Will you guys please explain." Sukanya searches for an answer.

"Dad please let's talk this out." Atharv continues to plead him.

"No Atharv I have decided both of you must leave with Anika. You aren't safe here." Shivaay finally says hopelessly.

Atharv looks at Shivaay as the last piece of hope shreds and his hands fall from Shivaay's shoulders.

"Sukanya, ever since you have come into my life your life has only been complicated and in danger. I am like bad omen in your life. I can't protect, I can't save you instead your life keeps getting miserable. Please try to understand it's for your own good. Atharv and you should stay with Anika at her parents place. The more you are attached to Oberoi's there would be more ways people will find to hurt you and harm you. The best way is you leave."

Sukanya looks at him dumbfounded and then blinking her eyes she gets her composure back, "As you say." She leaves the library without saying another word leaving Atharv shocked the most. He rushes behind her to her room.

"What the hell? What the hell do you mean by 'as you wish'. Have you fucking lost it Sukanya." Atharv shouts at the top of his voice.

"Bhai calm down I am not leaving."

"Will you explain. Please." Atharv looks at her with raised eyebrows.

"I am 19 and I can decide where I want to stay and where not so I am just going to ignore whatever dad said." Saying that Sukanya plops on her bed.

"Do you think it's funny or some kind of joke is going on over here. Dad is asking us to leave. He is serious."

"And so am I. I am already screwed I don't want him to add onto my problems for once." She scoffs.

"I get you. But walking away wouldn't make it right Sukanya."

"So.... SO WHAT DO YOU WANT BHAI. I AM DONE. I AM HONESTLY DONE FIGHTING FOR NO REASON AND IF HE HAS TO GIVE UP EVERY TIME WHEN THE PROBLEMS ARISE I AM SORRY TO SAY HE IS NO MORE THE SSO I CAME TO KNOW FIRST. AND FINE IF WE ARE BETTER OFF WITHOUT HIM I DON'T CARE. I CAN'T JUST KEEP FIGHTING FOR WHAT IS MINE, I CAN'T KEEP FIGHTING FOR HIM ESPECIALLY WHEN HE ISN'T READY TO FIGHT. So bhai GET THIS STRAIGHT IN YOUR HEAD IT'S NOT ME WHO HAS DECIDED TO WALK OFF. IT'S HIM DISTANCING US." Sukanya shouts her heart out totally frustrated. "And why do you care bhai. None of you has ever gone through what I have gone through. So cut the damn crap. Just leave. Just leave me alone. I don't need anyone of you. Go tell dad too. That he can be really happy for once that I am leaving and I don't need him or mom or you or anyone else. I know I screwed up and I will fix it on my own."

"SHUT UP SUKANYA. LISTEN TO YOURSELF FOR ONCE." Atharv shouts unable to hear her crude words.

"What shut up. Look I have lived my life all by myself for most part of it. I have supported my mom too. I have gone through hell. So you don't shut me up or behave like you give a damn. It would have been so much better if I hadn't met you at the first place. My life would have been so much better." She says taking out a suitcase and shoving few clothes hurriedly in them.

"Where are you going?" Atharv asks with whatever energy he could muster up.

"None of anybody's damn business." Saying that she rushes past him.

Atharv runs behind her trying to stop her, he holds her hand and pulls her to face him, "Look doll please don't do this. I will convince dad. He is just a little upset about the situation and worried for you. I promise I will make the situation right. No matter what."

Sukanya tries to get her hand out of his grip forcefully but fails, "Look Atharv I don't care. Do you realise what is happening right now. I am person of interest in the most hyped murder conspiracy of this country. Everybody is blaming me and I didn't expect my own family to back out on me. It's like they have believed that I have killed Parinaaz. Like god. Dad always cared about his damn reputation that's why mom got separated from him and the same thing is happening with me. His family reputation comes above me so whatever he wants he can do. I don't care." She says pushing Atharv away hardly making him fall while she rushed out of the house.

Atharv felt suffocated at the very moment but he had to stop Sukanya so he ran towards his parents room and told them that Sukanya was leaving the house. Worried Shivaay and Anika rush downstairs to see Sukanya enter Malhotra mansion all of them sigh in relief for once. When they go inside Abeer assures them that he will take care of Sukanya and once her anger is gone he will knock some sense into her.


"Omkara ji aap kya sooch rahe hain." Gauri words bring Om out of his trance he smiles sadly at her.

"Kuch nahi Gauri bas Shivaay ke bare mai sooch raha hun. Pata hai mujhe humesha aisa lagta tha ki mai apni bhai ko puri tarhan se samajh ta hun magr aaj usne jo kaha uske baad aisa kun lag raha hai ye mera bhai hi nahi hai. Shivaay aisa koi bhi faisla kabhi nahi le sakta. Maine use zindagi mai itna dare hue kabhi nahi dekha. Tab bhi nahi jab Anika bhabhi iss ghar se gaye the aur tab bhi nahi jab Sukanya kidnap ho gayi thi. Use dekh le lag raha hai jaise vo tut gaya hai. Bichara gaya hai."

Gauri sits besides Om placing her hand in his, "Aap sahi keh rahe hain Om maine bhi aaj bhaiya ko nahi unke daar ko baat karte suna aur sirf unka daar nahi bol raha tha Sukanya ka bhi daar hi bol raha tha. Dono baap beti jaise ek hi bhasha bol rahe hon."

"Gauri mai samajh nahi paa raha ki kya karun." Om says being worried about the family falling apart.

"Mujhe pata hai kya karna hai...." both of them get distracted my Rudra who is standing in their doorways with Bhavya.

Rudra walks in with teary eyes, "Om hum sab ki fir se vo O Bros ban na hoga. Bhaiya humesha kehte the na ki unke bhai unki taqt hai aur pichle kuch salon mai unki taqt unke pass kahan thi. Kitne saal ho gaye iss ghar mai kuch thik hue. Hum tenon ka O Bro moment hue. Jab se chote papa iss duniya se gaye hain dadi ma tut gaye, papa jaise ki iss duniya mai hi nahi hote kahin aur khoye hote hain, choti maa pehle kun se kun koshish toh karte the unhone toh vo bhi chod do hai sara sara din apne kamre me band rehte hain. Aur Shivaay bhaiya.... Shivaay bhaiya ki toh jaise himaat hi tut gayi hai. Vo mechanically apni life jee rahe hain. Kabhi bacchon ke liye kabhi bhabhi ke liye toh kabhi dadi ke liye. Muskurana hi bhol gaye hain." Rudra places his head on Om's lap as he cries saying those words.

"Omkara ji.... Rudra sahi keh rahe hain. Shivaay bhaiya ko aap dono ki zaroorat hai. Bohaat zyada zaroorat hai." Gauri says rubbing his shoulders calmly.

Omkara nods in agreement, "Rudra.... Aryan..." Om says as they walk out of the door.

"I called him Om. He is on his way."

"We should wait for him." Rudra nods in agreement.

After Ragini's chapter ended in their lives Aryan decided he wanted to work on his own and create an identity for himself. Getting a job in an automobile company was just a beginning. He opened a garage for himself in his own house where he started customizing bikes especially for racers. It earned him a good fortune. Though he had offered Krish and Aditi to stay but they wanted to be with him. As far as Nitya and him are concerned they are taking one day at a time. Slowly watering and nurturing their relationship.


Reenee opens the door on hearing a constant frustrated knock a little pissed off.

"Who the hell is this?" She shouts while opening the door. "Atharv..... What the fafda man?"

"Do you mind if I crash at your apartment for a few days."

Reenee looks at him skeptical but opens the door, "Feel at home. But do you mind...."

"Don't ask." Atharv cuts her off and she nods. "Ask your parents please."

"Chill dude they will be cool with you. They know I am not going to sleep around with a nerd like." Atharv narrows his eyes at her so she sighs, "Fine. Give me a sec." She pulls out and calls her parents.

"They are cool with you. Now happy." Atharv nods and sits on the couch.

"I will take the couch."

Reenee slaps her forehead, "Hom many dumb movies do you even watch Atharv? How many? Like look around this this 3BHK sea facing apartment. And only I live here. So you don't have to sleep your ass off at that couch. I have two spear rooms. Take either of them." Reenee rolls her eyes at him.

"Ya. But why such a big apartment for you." He asks casually.

"Umm.... actually this wasn't bought for me. This apartment was bought by dad when he stayed here but since they have shifted back to Surat so I am here." Atharv nods.

"Hye loosen up man. You are so uptight."

"Just not in mood."

"Okay...." Reenee jumps and sits besides Atharv, "What's wrong because I am not interest in seeing your this depressed baboon face. You get it."

"Nothing....." Atharv says fidgeting with his hands.

"Your phone is ringing." Reenee points out and Atharv takes his phone and without looking at the name switches it off.

"Oh.... okay...." Reenee pulls Atharv up, "We are going out and you are going to loosen up. So switch your phone, don't tell me anything but if you want to stay under this roof I don't want to see a depressing face."

"Reenee you go....."

"Shut up and get up." She says trying to make his get up.

"Reenee my sister is being accused of murder and I am unable to help her so please I apologize for grumpy and rude behavior as of now I can't chill and party." Atharv says a little loudly but not much.

"Okay... movie it is." Reenee says taking the remote and sitting down with a false grumpy expression.

As she shuffles through the channels she stops at the news channel as something catches her attention.

"It hasn't been long since the high profile Parinaaz murder case has set the news on fire. Daughter of Mehta Group of Industries whose dead body was found in the premises of Mumbai University the same university where she studied. Because of that murder case a lot of other famous of famous industrialists,  businessmen and actors and their family's came forward. All the friends of Parinaaz Mehta are being investigated since then and even before the news could douse off we have another dead body. Found in the premises of Mumbai University is another dead body of........"

To be continued....

Whose dead body do you think it is?

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Stay safe
Stay at home
For now signing off

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