Chapter 40

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It's been a few days since Asia and I started going out and to my surprise nothing has changed much. I still walk home with everyone Asia sits with us at lunch, but she does act a little different twords me.

Normally she's calm and real mathematical about her life, but since we started dating she's been. . . more human like. As I walk twords the main exit a sudden crash from the room next to me diverts my attention. "Everything okay?" I ask opening the door.

The room is the girls weight lifting club, weights are scattered across the ground in the middle of the crowded room is Adeline,, the captain of both the, girls weight lifting and fencing clubs. She paces in circles with exhaustion and agitation.

"Do you need some help?" I ask stepping inside her dark brown hair whips around to face me. "Oh, it's just Aden. Sure why not." She's says, as we clean the room in dead silence I find the courage to ask a question. "How did this happen?" I ask, she sighs heavily, "I was cleaning up then the brooms handle knocked down some weights and in a chain reaction, this happened."

After we finish cleaning the room, we sit down on the beach on the far side of the room. "Thanks." She's says scooting farther away from me. "What's wrong?" I ask bewildered, "I know who you are, Aden the loser who can make any girl fall in love with him. No offense but keep your distance." I slump over to the corner depressed.

"Do you really think I'm tring to make a harem or something?" I say depressed. "N-No no!" She says tring to comfort me. "It's just I thought. . . umm. . . sorry." The mood only goes south from there as she and I sit back down. "Aden, why are you with them?" She asks after some time.

"Because I want them to be happy. Its not like I had a dream of making a harem or something, but somehow girls kept confessing to me. So I'll do my best to make them happy." She glances over at me. "Do you. . . wanna join my club?" "Why?" I ask confused. "I need help with cleaning and stuff please."

"Ah. Fine I'll join." "Thanks." She says, I get up and walk out the door stretching a few moments later. "Well then I'll see you tomorrow." I say closing the door. "I still don't like him." Adeline says as it closes.

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