Chapter 155

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The three of us walk down the hall, "I was, my friends got calls from there parents and we had to come back. Are you surprised?" She says giggling and hugging me tighter. "Well i didn't expect you to be back so soon." Nine freezes, "Wait..." She sniffs me. "That... Sent..." She days in a shaking voice. "Per...fume?! Have you... Have you been cheating... On... Me?!"

Nine says gripping my arm tighter. J chuckles nervously and begins to back away from the two of us, sensing the danger he's in if he stays. "Aden, I think I can hear Nate calling for me..." He says turning away and running as fast as he can. Nine grips my wrist tighter. Her eyes twitch and I notice some sparks form her hair. I start to shake a bit. I know how dangerous Nines flames can be.

She may not be able to control her flames fully but they certainly seem to respond pretty well to her emotions pretty damn well. "Master... Who. Was. It?" I gulp, "I'll take you to her, but please calm down. I still love you just the same as always." Nine twitches more. "Take me to her. Now." She says stomping her foot as smoke sizzles up form her stomp. I quickly take her to Yui.

Nine remains silent jer grip never loosening one a bit only tightening. I open the door and Yui looks at us confused. "Aden, Nine. How can I help yo-" Without a word and before Yui can finish Nine leaps at her with her body being engulfed in flames. "You home wrecking bitch!!" She says as i try to stop her. My body gets burned by the flames and with surprising strength she throws me into the wall.

As Nine crashes into Yui's desk she steps to the side and rushes to me. "Are you alright?!" She says helping me up... "A little burned... But I'm okay." Nines eyes twitch as the flames on her body shorten and turns blue from her rage. "Don't touch him!!" She says moving faster. Yui's arm becomes coated in thick black scales as she grabs Nines troat immediately extinguishing her flames. "You idiotic girl. You hurt our darling lover with those flames of yours Pyro." Yui says annoyed.

"Aden... I'll take you to the nurse to look at the burns." I stagger up. "I can get there myself... Don't worry about me." Yui looks worried for a moment then nods. "Okay. I'm going to have a... Chat with Nine here." She says looking at Nine through suited eyes. I stumble in the nurses room, my burns weren't bad but they did sting a bit.

Nurse Chyio rush upto me. "Oh my. Was there a fire? Is anyone else hurt?" She says leading me over to a chair. "No, this was my own stupidity. No one else was hurt." Chyio sighs relieved that no one else is hurt. She then begins looking over the burns on my body,

"Okay, they don't look bad and it looks like they'll heal after a few days, but just in case I'm still going to put some cream on it." She says walking over to her cabinets and rummaging through them. "Im sure I've got some cream or salve that can help with the burns. She says searching her cabinets.

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