Chapter 109

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I wake up in my bed the day after. I groan as i turn over, "Looks like I've got schools tomorrow." I groan as sit up and stretch when Nine enters my room. "Master, your breakfast is ready." She bows politely then walks away, "Master?" I get up to follow her, as I exit my room she walks down the stairs just exiting my sight. "Hey."

I say as I rush down the stairs after her. About half way down the stairs the smell of bacon, eggs and other breakfast foods fills my nose. At the bottom of the stairs Nine waits for me. "Here is your food Master, please enjoy." She leads me into the kitchen almost like a maid, "Hey, what's going on with you? Your acting like a different person suddenly."

She smiles, "I was brought up to serve a master, it's almost like I was programed too." She looks at her scared wrist, "Yet I don't want serve anyone but you. Your were so kind to me when no one else would be, I don't want to lose you." She turns to me and the look on her face sends a cold yet all to familiar chill down my spine.

"This is going to end with either a fight or me having sex isn't?" I gulp as she continues talking. "So is it okay for me to do this?" She seats me at the table before going to the counter. "Listen Nine... I have a-" She suddenly cops down on a piece of carrot then turns to me knife in hand with a scary sadistic smile, the only thing that is missing from her face is a blood spatter.

"What was that, Master?" My hands shake under the table as I steady my voice. "Nothing." I quietly mumble. She smiles again then begins to fix a plate for me when the door bell rings. Nine looks up. "I'll get it." I say as I get up and rush to the door. "Please don't be one of the girls. Please God." As I open the door the worst of any possible face is revealed,

"Hello Darling." Rias says with a smile, she instinctively goes to move inside when I block her. "So what did you want?" She raises an eyebrow, "I want to come in after you spent time with the others yesterday. So you should spend sometime with me today right?" She pushes me forward a bit wanting to be let in.

"Listen Ri im really tired from yesterday I just got up can I have the day to myself please?" She wants a moment then nods but stops, she sniff me as her face grows blank. "I smell an unfamiliar scent. There's a woman in there, one who's new." Her eyes grow cold as she tilts her head, "Are you cheating on me?"

She says slowly and coldly. "Im not-" she easily pushes me aside and stomps into my house. "Where are you homewrecker? We need to talk." She looks over to the kitchen and sees... nothing. "Where did she-" Rias suddenly falls over and Nine stands behind her. She looks over at me. "Master. We need to talk." As she talks I feel my body get heavy before I to fall over.

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