Chapter 120

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Jacob Nate and Amir peek out of the abandon room, "Okay I think we're in the clear." Jacob says stepping out. "About time, it's nearly been thirty minutes." Nate says stretching. "So how many times have you two done this? You seem to be experts at this." They laugh nervously,

"Well we've tried peeping in on the girls in this town for many years but so far we've always got caught." Nate says, "Yeah its a good that Aden always been there to help us out." The bell rings for lunch and the three begin to head that way while also being on the look out for any one of the mob that had chased them. "So who is this Aden you mentioned." Amir asks,

Jacob and Nate pause for a moment untill answering, "Aden was our only friend untill you. He's a loser like us but he isn't a pervert like us, he's more like a balancer for us. He'd get us out of trouble and despite our flaws he's probably the best person we've know... Despite us being not the best to him." Nate says,

"He sounds like a good guy. You three must be close." Jacob and Nate laugh, "We are but his life has become... Hectic at the moment." Amir raises his eyebrow, "What does that mean." "You'll find out soon enough." Jacob says with a chuckle. A girl walks by infront of them, and Amir's jaw drops. "Who is that?"

He goes to approach her when both Jacob and Nate grab his arms, "Okay so here's the thing don't try to approach certain girls here. Especially Liz there, she will kill you plus... She's Aden's girlfriend, and despite being a loser he's beat up the schools best fighters." Amir nods,

"Okay got it don't mess with Aden's girlfriend." He says as they let him go, "Girlfriends." Nate corrects, "What?" Amir says.

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