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The following chapter has Adrigami. If you do not ship them, please feel free to skip this chapter. Enjoy!

Meanwhile, while Luka was having dinner with Mari's family, Adrien had gone to Kagami's house to talk with her and get to know her better.

They are both sitting in Kagami's room after dinner. Kagami's heart was beating a million miles an hour. It was one thing to distract herself at fencing practice because she needed to focus on the lesson and once their masks were down it was easier to forget the face behind the mask. But now, having nothing to distract her, she was finding it difficult being alone with her thoughts.

'Have you still been drawing Kagami?' Adrien asks, trying to engage her in conversation.

She gasps. 'You remembered that?' she said shocked.

'Of course, I remember.' Adrien smiled at her.


'The arts and crafts room? What are you planning on doing in here?

Kagami unzips her bag and pulls out a sketchbook. 'I've never told this to anyone but... I love to draw. I always have.' She flips through her pages of art and shows them to Adrien. 'Drawings never lie. The poses that people make are always a reflection of their personality.'

Adrien gasps, surprised and impressed.

'But my mother won't let me do it. According to her, I'm not good enough.' Kagami says sadly.

'You're super talented Kagami!' Adrien smiled.

'You really think so?' Kagami asked.

'Mmhm' Adrien smiled, giving her a nod.

Kagami takes his hand and directs him to the platform in the room. 'Pose for me, I want to sketch you.'

'How do you want me to pose?' Adrien asks her.

'However, makes you comfortable' Kagami replies.

Adrien does one of his modelling poses, as Kagami starts drawing.

'I really admire Toulouse Lautrec. I'd like to draw you just like the characters he painted. Did you know he often signed his drawings with a monogram like many Japanese artists did?'

She looks at her drawing, unsatisfied. 'This isn't right, it's not you.' She tears the paper from the sketchpad.

'Can I see it?' Adrien asks.

She crumples the paper and tosses it in the trash. 'Try a different pose. It should be easy to do a beautiful sketch of you because you're so handsome, but what I want to do is capture the real you inside.'

Adrien tries another pose. Kagami starts drawing but stops.

'No, still not good. Change again.' She throws it away and Adrien attempts another pose. 'These are all modelling poses!' She throws another away. 'Try something that's more natural, more you.'

'Hmm, what about Me-ow!' Adrien says, as he strikes a Cat Noir pose. Kagami looks unimpressed. 'Uhh, I mean now?' he laughs nervously.

'No, you're not at all natural' Kagami says.

'Yes, I am, I promise! This is me!' Adrien replies.

'No!' Kagami cries, standing up, slamming her sketchpad on the table. 'That's you when you're being silly!'

Adrien felt conflicted. 'What if... when I'm being silly, I'm really me?'

Kagami walks towards Adrien. She takes his hand and moves it to his chest then pushes him back up against the wall.

'There. This is really you' Kagami whispers.

'Do you really think?' Adrien replies, timidly.

Kagami smiles. 'Yes, you're... perfect.'

Kagami tries to kiss him but gets interrupted by the alert on both their phones.

They both check their phones. 'Now it's really time for our fencing class!' Adrien smiles as Kagami smiles back as they walk out of the room.

*End of flashback*

'To be honest, since that day, I never stopped drawing' Kagami replies. She has her notebook in her lap.

'Can I see?' Adrien says, grabbing the notebook.

'No, well, I...' Kagami says, embarrassed, as he starts looking through it as Kagami went bright red.

'These are all sketches' Adrien breathes as he looks at her.

'Well, to be honest...ever since Marinette tried to get us together at the swimming're all I seem to think about...'

'These are near perfect.... did you copy them from a photo?' Adrien asked her.

'No... from my heart' Kagami replied.

Adrien gasped. 'Kagami... you're... amazing. And your talent for drawing has grown so much!' Adrien says, amazed.

'I've been getting lessons every weekend from Mrs Dupain-Cheng for the past few months. I had to lie to my mother again to even attend her art class. But one day she found out my secret and threatened to make me quit. But Mrs Dupain-Cheng stood up for me and because of her actions, my mother still lets me do the classes.'

Adrien came across a final picture of him that looked incredible.

'Wow!' he breathed. 'I look truly happy in this picture. Would you please let me frame it and keep it? I've never seen a picture of me that looked so amazing.'

'Of course...if you think it's that good' Kagami replied.

'Good? It's incredible, Kagami. You're... incredible...' Adrien whispered.

They both looked into each others eyes, slowly closing the gap between them. Their lips met and all the feelings that Adrien had kept deep down in his heart for Kagami suddenly came to the surface again. They had always tried to have a first kiss, but something always happened to stop it. Kagami sighed, finally feeling the hole in her heart was closing up.

Adrien remembered what Luka had told him about honesty.

'You know Kagami' he said, holding her hand and pushing her hair out of her face with the other. 'I never wanted to break up with you a year ago. And I wasn't lying because I didn't want to be with you. I was lying for a far more important reason. But now that we are eventually going to be husband and wife, you deserve to know the truth. I lied to you because... I'm Cat Noir.'

Kagami gasped. 'So... all that time, you were protecting Paris? Saving... even me?'

'Yes' Adrien smiled lovingly at her.

'Wow... You really are perfect' she replies. They smile at each other and lean in for another passionate kiss.

 They smile at each other and lean in for another passionate kiss

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