Part 58 - Tension...

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Yoongi: What are you both doing here???

Jungkook: It's her... I'm just following...

Y/N: I want to see Jin Oppa.

Yoongi: And what is so urgent that can not wait until tonight?

Jungkook:She wants to save Taehyung's ass!

Y/N frowned and pushed Jungkook, to free herself. Yoongi had a serious expression and Y/N didn't know how to interpret it.

Yoongi: Don't stay here, come with me.

Y/N: Is Jin Oppa busy?

Yoongi: He is with Namjoon; I came out of our meeting because the receptionist called me!

Y/N felt sorry to have interrupt their meeting. She followed Yoongi to Jin's office and Yoongi made her enter inside. He kept Jungkook out for a moment.

Yoongi: Y/N, stay here, we're coming. (He closed the door.) You should have not let her come here!

Jungkook: And what should I have said to her? We can't go there; the bad guy is one of our employees?? Do you want her to freak out even more? stay with her inside until we come back!

Jungkook entered the office and Yoongi went back to the meeting room. He texted Namjoon and Jin to inform them of the youngers' presence. Jin stared at his brother with an interrogative look. He concluded the meeting earlier and left to his office, where he found his siblings playing on Jungkook's mobile.

Jin: Sweetie, why are you here? Something is wrong? Something happened in school?

Y/N: No Oppa... sorry we came here without notice and disturbed you during your meeting... but... you... did you really punish Taehyung and sent him in the mountain?

Jin: (He sighed.) You came here because of that idiot?! (She looked at him with her innocent eyes.) Don't even try to plead for him, I won't change my mind. It was the softest punishment that I could give to him.

Jungkook: I told you that Hyung will not change his mind

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Jungkook: I told you that Hyung will not change his mind...

Y/N: It's...

Jin: Y/N, Jungkook will take you back home. We still have work and it's not good for a little girl to come here.

Y/N wanted to respond that she was not a little girl, but the serious look of her brother stopped her.

Jungkook: Let's go... I'm hungry... I'm craving for chicken...

Y/N: ... hum...

Jin: (He stopped her.) Don't worry about Taehyung. It will be beneficial for him... and sorry if I am not staying with you or taking you home... I have a lot of work. We will come back late tonight so don't wait for us.

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