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  It was a comforting night with Lexy and Nadine cuddling in bed. While the curly redhead was playing with the other's hair, she asked.

"How do you get your hair so soft?"

"Oh, I just put in conditioner and some
other random hair products."
Lexy answered, turning her head
to look up at Nadine.

"Can you do my hair? I want
my hair to be soft too!"
She asked, her face never brighter
than now; asking a question.

"Uh, it's a little late but yeah! Your
hair is curly though so I have no idea
how your hair will turn out."
The blonde commented, then they made
their way to the bathroom.

Lexy didn't waste any time turning the
shower on. When she turned around, she
saw Nadine close to taking her shirt off.
"What are you doing?"
She asked

"I thought I was getting in the shower?"
The ginger claimed, confused.

"Well you kind of are... but you don't need to take
all your clothes off. You're just going to duck your head in for a minute and make sure it gets wet."
The blonde explained, getting hair products
out of the cabinet.

  After a minute, Lexy put her hand under the running shower, then signaled Nadine that it was now warm enough for her to get in. The short haired teenager got on her knees, ducking her head in and letting Lexy take control. Her fingers running soft and carefully through her hair. After a moment, some shampoo was now on her roots. Again, Lexy's fingers were in her hair; scrubbing all the shampoo out. Then, conditioner was put into the rest of her hair, but this time, the taller, more mature teen didn't wash it out. She made sure that it was all rubbed in and told her she was done.

"Ok. What do we do now?"
Nadine asked.

"We use these."
She stated, showing her the products
she look out the cabinet earlier.

"But which one first?"

"The moisturizer. Put some of this all in
your hair, make sure it's rubbed in well then you
can do some of this detangled stuff. Then after
you put this, then this and lastly, you brush
your hair out."
Lexy explained, holding up each bottle.

"And I'll stand here and watch in
case you need help."
She added, sitting down on the toilet.

  The sun has began to set and the girls were getting tired. It's been about 3 hours later and the couple was back in bed, this time Lexy spooning Nadine as she played with the curls on her head.

"Your hair is soft."
Lexy smiled, kissing Nadine's temple afterwards. 

"All thanks to you."
The ginger mumbled, eyes were closed
and just relaxing. Then like that, they both
fell asleep minutes later.

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