3rd of December (Lexdine Version)

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I made a Jevon version if you want to read that one. Or if you don't, it doesn't bother me.

Lexy waited outside of Nadine's house, a bag and a flower in her hand. Soon enough, the ginger answered the door, also holding a bag.

"I didn't know you got me anything."
The blonde comments, smiling when face-to-face at the door.

"I didn't know you got me anything either!"
Nadine exclaims, moving out the way to let the girl in.

"Ok well, it's nice to see you again."
The ginger greets.

"We just saw each other yesterday but yeah, I missed you too."
Lexy said, hugging.

"Well, since it's the third of December, I had to get you this!"
The green-eyed girl added, holding out her bag with the flower stuck inside.

"I got you one too!"
Nadine stated, they trade bags and quickly open them.

  They both got sweaters! Lexy's was a dark blue and navy oversized cardigan, which would practically match with almost everything. Nadine's was a green sweater with dinosaurs all over it. Looked very childish but it was just her style.

"I love it!"
Nadine shouts, holding it up to view.

"I love mine too! Thank you, Nadine!"
Lexy says enthusiastically, holding hers up over her body to see what it would look like on her.

"We have to have a fashion show, to show off our sweaters!"
The ginger suggested, squealing and jumping around.

"Oh my god! Yes!"
The other agrees, now jumping as well.

And that's exactly what they did. They played each other's favorite songs as they walked down the hallway and back. Then spending the rest of the day to listen to music, playing mostly Heather over and over again.

I wanted this to be so much longer but I already wrote one of these and I didn't want them to be the same. I'm sorry to my Lexdine shippers for making this so short! I got a lot of drafts to make up for it!

 I'm sorry to my Lexdine shippers for making this so short! I got a lot of drafts to make up for it!

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Nadine's Sweater!! (Lexy's gift to Nadine) ^^

Nadine's Sweater!! (Lexy's gift to Nadine) ^^

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Lexy's Sweater!! (Nadine's gift to Lexy) ^^

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