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Just me projecting onto Lexy 😍😍

Lexy sat at the dining table, glaring at her bottle of medications. She didn't want to take them. It tasted to badly and it gave her shivers. It was like when you eat something sour and you get that look on your face, it was just like that. But she just so badly wanted her migraines to go away!

She's been getting them since she was eight. She always thought it was because of the school bus. She got carsick and was the last one getting off so she'd be on the bus for almost an hour everyday. Until she was fourteen and got diagnosed with migraines and got prescribed medication. She got the dissolving ones so she wouldn't have to force swallow it.

It was another one of those days, where the migraine was horrible she was sure the medicine wouldn't work again. It's happened before. She didn't know why she was born like this. But she did know that she wanted to completely disappear anytime she got one. Just lay down in her room, under the covers in the dark and silence. No one there to disturb or interrupt her time.

Nadine entered the room and caught Lexy zoning out and staring at the orange bottle; glaring.

"You ok?"
The ginger asked, already knowing the answer.

"No. When am I ever ok?"
Lexy quizzed.

"Is your migraine that bad again?"
Nadine questioned.

She nodded, now staring blankly into the distance.

"How about you try to take your medicine and go lay down?"
The bubbly one suggested.

"I would but I just can't take it. I don't know why."

"That's why I said try. I know it taste gross but it's what's making you better."

"Still, it's not something I look forward too everyday. I honestly just want to sleep all day, just so I won't need to worry about these migraines."

"You can't just run away from all your problems by sleeping. There are other ways, like taking your medicine and relaxing for once."

"I think you have a little problem with overthinking and getting worked up. You just need to lay down and clear your mind."
Nadine added, massaging her shoulders.

"Ok, I'll try it."
Lexy agreed, sighing in relief.

  She finally took her medicine, feeling that sour feeling, though it wasn't sour. She shivered, her eyes closing. It still tasted like shit. After it's over, Nadine guides her to their bedroom, laying her down on the bed.

"What playlist do you want to listen to? If you want to listen to music."
The ginger asked, connecting the phone to the speaker.

"My most recent one."
Lexy answered, staring at the ceiling.


  Nadine puts the playlist on, getting next I Lexy in bed and spooning her. With a comforting pats on the head and hair-playing. It felt like hours they laid like this.

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