Randomness #2

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-Every time when Jevon hugs, Devon always puts his head on Jake's shoulder. (I think this is canon because you can see him do that almost every time they hugged. But if it's not, it's a headcanon.)

Season 2: Episode 6 spoiler for these next few headcanons!! You've been warned!!

-When Nadine died, Lexy kept her glasses and everything she stole so when they cleaned out her part of the room, she would have something to remember her by.

-Lexy also kept up all the door decorations.

-Lexy eats Oreos almost everyday in honor of Nadine.

-She goes to the bathroom when she's having a hard time, sits on the sinks and talks to herself, pretending that Nadine is in front of her, listening.

(Ok no more spoilers!!)

-Lexy always tries on Nadine's glasses and takes pictures for literally no reason.

-Jake and Devon have been caught cuddling by sister Catherine so many times and she doesn't tell anyone.

-Lexy collects crystals

-Jake used to collect monster cans and made a sculpture out of them

-Lexy is so mean to Jake and Devon (in a loving way ofc. Not bullying like the first few episodes in the first season).

-Jake hates reading Devon has a love-hate relationship with it.

-Devon has a whole converse collection. He mainly wears the classic black ones but his whole closet just has different colored converse.

-Jake believes unicorns are real.

-Nadine believes in Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, magical creatures (such as unicorns and mermaids) and nobody has the soul to tell her that it's not real.

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