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This is NOT meant to sexualize the characters/actors, romanticize, fetish or glamorize the movie at all! This is only for entertainment purposes and do not commit these actions in real life!

Daniel is Evie in this story and also a random character I made up. Jake is Tracy

No Chucky AU!! Everyone is still alive and Jake and Devon are in the talking stage. Let's pretend Jake's dad is really cool and totally not a dick. 😀

Again, I did the Egg Language thing and I'm not 100% sure it's right but there's the translations there as well!

(Do not listen if you DONT want to. If you do please listen in order!)

WARNINGS: Smoking, Assault, Drugs, Self Harm, Violence

"I don't know mom, he's really scaring me now. It's just like he's getting worse by the day and I just think he needs some time out of the house."
Lucas sobs as he talks on the phone. Jake hears every last word but he doesn't want to say anything.

  The next day, Daniel left the house by himself to go get some food and go shopping with Eve and Mike. Jake again, wakes up alone and looks at his wrist. He did it again last night too? But he doesn't remember, all he can see is the fresh scars on his skin.

Lucas is sitting on the porch with a cigarette, when Angie pulls into the driveway, he's already got a suitcase packed for Jake.

"Look, I'm sorry about what's happening but I can't take him this weekend."
Angie says.

"I need you to take him for a while."
Lucas says.

"Son, did you not hear me? I said I'm busy this weekend I can't."

"I need you to take him."

"I can't! I just moved into a new house and I'm not settled yet. I will talk to him, it'll be just fine."
Angie says, raising her voice.

"Where is he, the backyard?"
She asks, when she gets no response she shrugs.

"Hey, Jake! Haven't seen you in a minute. How's things been?"
Angie asks.

  Jake doesn't answer, he just sits on the bench and colors in his book.

"I gotta be up front and say I can't take you this weekend like your dad asked me too."
She says.

"I know you won't take me. Nobody will take me." Jake jokes.

"Jake, you got to cut me some slack. I wasn't in a good time for a while and now I'm finally trying to improve. I have to get settled at my new house and maybe we can do something then."
Her phone rings but she turns it off.

"Is there something you want to talk about? What's the problem? Can I help? Jake, you have to talk to me."
Angie wonders.

"Grandma, do you even remember what the last thing we did together was?"
Jake asked. Her phone ringing again.

"Grandma just answer the fucking thing!"
He mutters, aggressively erasing something on his drawing.

"Ok, maybe I should take this."
Angie says.

"Hello? Yeah, I'm with a client."
She says, talking to the man on the other line.

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