Where is my Mind?

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Based off the song: Where is my Mind
By: Pixies

  Jake shoots up from his bed.

He yells, realizing he wasn't in his dream. He was just in his bedroom, like every other night he had a nightmare like that.

  He wasn't running down the empty, wet road. It wasn't raining anymore, Chucky wasn't after him and everyone else. He couldn't hear the devil laughing in his ear anymore. It was just another nightmare.

         Another one, another one, another one.

  It felt like every night he woke up at exactly 2:22 in the morning from a nightmare. It feels like somebody or trying to warn him, trying to get his attention or something. It isn't right.

  But, all he knows is that he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep for the rest of the night. He gets out of bed to use the bathroom. He takes all precautions to not wake his dad up. When he comes back he knows there's no point in slipping back in bed.

  Jake lays on the floor, his legs resting on the wall and the rest of his body laying on the wooden floor, his music was already playing so it wasn't silent. He sees a beer bottle beside him, he doesn't remember if it's from him or his dad. He reached for it and spins it, mesmerized by the trick.

  He feels like his head collapsed, not a single thought in mind. He forgets about his father sleeping just down the hall, the music in the background vanished somewhere in his mind. He can't think and all he can ask himself is where is his mind? Where did it go? He doesn't think it can really be misplaced if it's in the same spot all the time. Where is my mind?

  Jake closes his eyes, to imagine himself in a place, wherever he wants. Now, he's out in the ocean, swimming all by himself, nothing around him. No people, no boats, nothing. For the first time, he felt at peace. But, it felt silent. He loves it when it's quiet, but not when there's no noise at all. He can't stand the silence it's starting to drive him crazy!

  He goes underwater, he sees the fish and other animals hide behind rocks, he can feel some small fish bite his toes. Though he's still underwater, he hears a voice. Jake swears someone was trying to talk to him.

  His brain drifts him out the ocean and back to reality. Jake opens his eyes and now his mind is gone again. He can't tell if his music stopped playing or if he just couldn't here it because...he wasn't there. He felt like he was in someone else's mind, maybe their dream. He wishes he could close his eyes again and be out in the ocean; all alone.

  He stares at his feet leaning against the wall, like they depended on it. Jake lifts his head up just to hang it back onto the floor, still, his father isn't there right now. Not in his mind at least. Jake turns back to the bottle, again, spinning it around and being hypnotized by it.

  The boy feels like he's falling, not the kind of falling he wants. It's like, his brain cells are failing him right now. He fell off the earth, his brain is shutting down for good. Still, he can only question where his mind went. Maybe he did misplace it. Where is my mind?

  He wants to be in that same ocean again, or maybe a river. Jake felt at peace when he was in water, mostly the shower was the best for him. But he couldn't get a shower now, considering the time. It's 3:03...already?

  Jake reached up and touched his feet, now becoming numb, he falls back to the ground, hitting his head. This time, on accident. Jake can just give up now and spin the bottle again.


          It's what he does every night.

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