3rd of December

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Takes place in the first season and Devon's mom is still alive.

Jake and Devon awkwardly sat on the bed, sitting in silence and their eyes darting around the room.

"Do you know what day it is?"
Asked Jake, now breaking the silence.

"Yeah it's Saturday, why?"
Answered Devon, confused with the boy's question.

"Well, yeah, it's Saturday but what's the date?" Simplified the curly haired male.

"December third?"
He, once again, answered.


"Ok..what does that mean?"
Devon curiously asked, awkwardly smiling.

"I got you something for this very special occasion." Jake claimed, getting up and skipping to his drawer.

"Why did you get me something? How is this special? Is it our anniversary and I forgot?!"
The dark skinned male wondered, with a sudden freak-out.

"I got you something because I wanted to! And it's special because it's in a song, it's special to me at least. And no it is not our anniversary!"
Jake responded, grabbing a box.

"Here! Open it!"
He enthusiastically exclaimed.

Devon hesitantly grabs the box and unwraps the ribbon. The red paper covering whatever is inside. He scurries to open it, inside the box, revealing a sweater. It was navy with grey stripes. It was the perfect size yet so oversized at the same time.

"Oh my god! Today is that sweater day! Shit! I got you a sweater too but I left it at home! I can't believe I forgot it's literally all you've been talking about!" Devon panicked.

"It's fine! It's fine! Do you like the sweater?"
Jake said.

"Like it? No! I fucking love it! I'm putting it on right now."
He claimed, setting the sweater on the bed and taking his hoodie off, putting the new sweater on.

"Ok now we are going back to my place to get your sweater!"
Devon said, grabbing Jake's hand and leading him out the house.

"Oh my god! Slow down!"
The taller male laughed.

"We're already almost there!"
He stated, running down the side walk.

Soon they reached Devon's. The door was left unlocked since his mom was home. They ran up the stairs into the bedroom. A bag was left next to his bed.

"Go open it!"
Devon commented.

"The bag?"
Jake asked.

"No just get one out of my closet. Yes the bag!"
He sarcastically exclaimed, shoving him into the room.

Jake takes the bag, giving Devon a "you sure?" look and getting reassurance before diving into the bag. Inside, was an oversized brown sweater with lightly colored diamonds in the center.

"It's the one I've been wanting!"
He commented, looking up at Devon with pure joy in his eyes.

"Yep! I looked everywhere to find it."
Devon proudly explained.

"Shit, I'm putting this on too."
Jake stated, taking his flannel and band tee off before throwing the sweater over his body.

"Ok, what do you want to do now?"
He asked.

"I don't know, maybe go watch some movies."
Devon suggested.

"Sounds good!"
Jake agreed, then, they their hands came together like glue. They ran out the house again and into the movie theatre to see what movies were running.

I don't know how I didn't come up with this way earlier!

I don't know how I didn't come up with this way earlier!

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Devon's sweater!! (Jake's gift to Devon) ^^

Devon's sweater!! (Jake's gift to Devon) ^^

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Jake's sweater!! (Devon's gift to Jake) ^^

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