The Cut That Always Bleeds [REQUESTED]

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I swear I published this yesterday but ig not? 
The Cut That Always Bleeds- Conan Gray

  Jake laid in bed thinking, everything was his fault, wasn't it? None of them would be running around the state, fear for death every time they made a noise if it wasn't for him. Many people wouldn't have died if it wasn't for him. It wasn't Chucky who killed them, it was him. If he didn't buy him at that garage sale, he wouldn't be targeting them, trying to kill them.

Every time Jake closed his eyes he could hear the words from Devon's mouth.
"I don't love you anymore."

  That was a line he adored. Those words he's heard many times before. He felt like he kept him on a rope.

"I can't do this or he'll kill me."

"You shouldn't have said that, now Devon is mad at you."

  Jake could only feel like he was being held in a chokehold while someone else wraps a noose around his throat. He looses his breath but somehow, someway, finds it again.

  He can just imagine Devon, slipping away from his fingers, running out the door. Running away from him. Just to be brought back, not breathing. Sometimes, Jake wishes Devon would leave, so he wouldn't have to worry about Chucky anymore. And he can go live his own live without a care in the world. Devon can go back to doing everything he loved before. But Jake sitting on his lap, he wouldn't want him to go. He wouldn't be able to live any longer.

  It's kind of like that dream he had the other night, Devon leaves, just to come back. Dead. Jake can't ever stop thinking about it. Devon knew what he was doing, when he came back, limp, in someone else's arms. Jake thinks he'll have a heart attack if that were to ever actually happen.

  But Jake can't be put on a leash, nor can he do that to Devon. As much as they love each other, they can't see each other every other week; like they please. Jake wishes he could push Devon down onto the bed and just kiss him, he doesn't think he could slip another lie between his teeth. He knows not everything is going to be okay but then, why does he always say that? It's like, when you get a cut but it never stops bleeding, it just bleeds and bleeds, until you lose too much blood.

  It was the middle of the night, Jake shouldn't be awake, Devon was asleep, and Lexy was asleep somewhere else. They wouldn't have been here, in some random motel if it wasn't for him. They wouldn't be on the run. It really was all his fault!

"Jake, are you okay?"
Devon grumbles, tiredly rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"What time is it?"
He asks, taking a look at his phone to only be blinded by the light.

"Jake! Do you know what time it is? You should be asleep!"
The boy shouts, raspy and sleepily.

"I'm sorry, I just can't sleep. I've got too much on my mind."
Jake responds.

Devon sits closer to the other boy and pulls his close, Jake pretty much sitting on his lap now.
"What's bothering you?"

"I don't know. I feel like everything is my fault. All three of us are on the run of a stupid ginger doll. And I feel like you're going to leave me."
He explains.

"Jake, nothing is your fault! You had no idea that you bought a random killer doll. And, I'll never leave you."

"I don't know, what if one day you just live somebody new. I don't think I'd ever recover. My heart would be best to black and blue, and then you'd leave me for that person you love."

"Jake, come on. There possibly isn't anybody else I'll love as much as I love you."

  It's weird, to say you loved somebody for years, and kiss their bruises when they get into fights with random people on the street or maybe a possessed doll attacks them. Jake doesn't think it's possible to love somebody like him. His father didn't. It was all just some bittersweet tragedy.

Devon was now hugging him, tightly.
"Devon, I love you and all but I literally cannot breathe inside your arms."
Jake chokes out. The other boy let's go almost immediately.

"Oh, sorry. I'll be going back to bed now, wanna cuddle?"
The dark skinned boy says.

"Oh, do I ever?"

  Now, they laid entangled in each other's arms. Like any other night. They shared a bed while Lexy slept in her own. And even though either of them could die at any moment from Chucky or anything, Jake still needs them. It would be no different than from the air he breathes. He thinks he needs them more than he needs himself. Where does he really belong anyways?

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