I'll Miss You From...Here

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Got this idea when I was putting the "I Love You More." Chapter into AO3, idk where I'm going with this.

Devon laid in bed, he was exhausted, but he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep; not after what happened. He stared at the ceiling, not wanting to ever look away. His sad music played on his phone, which was plugged into a charger on his nightstand, but the music was only in the back of his mind. Devon feels numb, it's like his whole world is collapsing into piles of dust and rubbish. Now, he has nobody. He hears his phone ring, he doesn't want to answer but he knows it's Lexy, and he doesn't want her to worry more. Despite his tears, he answers.


"Hey Devon, are you doing ok?"
Lexy asked.

"Yeah, I'm fantastic."
Devon replies, being obviously sarcastic.

"Devon, seriously. You can talk to me, I want to be there for you. It sounds like you've been crying."

"...still am."

"Do you need to talk? You know Jake would want you to reach out for help if you're struggling."

"I know, but if I need to talk to someone I'll get a therapist. I don't want to push my problems and everything onto you. He was your friend too and you're also struggling."
Devon claims, he doesn't want to talk about him.

  And yeah, it is true, Jake would want him to get help if he needed it. But, he wouldn't ever be able to bring himself to admit he misses him so much.

"And that's why I want you to be able to talk to me, we both knew him like the back of our hands. He was your boyfriend! We have to stick together, we can't be isolating ourselves, we have to stay close. If you need me, I'll be here."
She says. 

  Great, now she's even more worried. But he knows that she needs the help too, and she is right, they need to stick together. But, he doesn't think he can get so attached to anyone ever again.

"I just, I just don't want to talk about him right now. I've already cried enough and I don't think I can get anymore tears out."

"I get that, when you're ready, just give me a call, or a text, and I'll be over there."

"Yep, same goes for you. Thank you."

"It's what friends do."

  After their conversation ends, he can't do anything but start crying again. He doesn't feel anything but sadness and anger. He doesn't understand how Lexy can hold up so easily. But he's so, so tired. He just wants to sleep, and he hopes he will never wake up again. Devon doesn't think he can make it much longer in this cruel, fucked up world.

  But Jake, he wishes he could be beside him right now. He watches as Devon's drowsy eyes spills tears all over his face and his pillow. He just wants to be there. To read him a bedtime story, just to help him sleep. Or anything that would make him feel better. But he can't do anything than watch; from above.

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