Bad Day

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This is when they're older, like around seventeen. Idk but Jake has a job and Devon has some other job lmao. Ok.

  Jake opens the door, stomping inside and practically slamming the door closed behind him. It was quite obvious to Devon that he was pissed, though Jake tried to hide it. He grumbled something under his breath, taking his shoes off before he went into the kitchen; probably getting a snack. Devon gets up off the couch and follows him to the kitchen.

"Hey Jake, how was work today?"
He asked, leaning on the counter.

"Take a guess."
Jake muttered, biting into an Oatmeal Crème Pie.

"Ok, well, why was it bad?"
Devon wondered, now sitting on the counter.

"I don't want to talk about it."
He grumbled, walking away from the conversation. Though, Devon still followed.

"Are you tired? Your eyes are pretty droopy."
The boy said, lightly grabbing his shoulder.

"No, I'm not tired. Just had a bad day, no big deal." Jake claimed, walking into the bedroom.

"Yes it is, it is a big deal. You act like everything is fine when it's not. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to but you can't hide your emotions like this."
Devon says, sitting on the bed.

Jake changes into comfortable clothes, sweatpants and a hoodie.
"You're overthinking it. That's not true!"
He mumbled.

"It is true, sweetheart. You need to work on it."
The dark skinned boy claimed, getting up and wrapping his arms around him.

"Mhm. Whatever."
Jake angrily grumbled.

"Now you're back to being a grump butt."
Devon commented.

"I'm not a grump butt or whatever you said. I'm just having a bad day, and I already said I didn't want to talk about it."
He said, turning around and hugging him.

"I know you're angry, hun."
The shorter boy starts, wrapping his arms under the taller boy's arms.
"Want to watch a movie and cuddle? To calm you down? Or even talking about it could help."

Jake nods, resting his head on Devon's shoulder. "Spider-man?"

"Anything you want."
Devon confirmed.

They sit on the bed and turn on the tv, putting on Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse, Jake's favorite Spider-Man movie. They laid back, Jake sinking into Devon's arms as the thick blanket wrapped around them. It was cold, freezing in their bedroom. They've watched this movie a thousand times but Jake never got bored of it.

  And just like that, the movie was over. It was pitch black outside, it was already getting dark when Jake got home from work. Both the boys were starting to get tired, especially Jake since he had to work all day.

Jake turns to Devon, tired and still a bit frustrated from what happened earlier.
"Hey, Dev. I'm ready to talk about what happened at work now."
He mumbled, now laying his head on his chest.

"Yeah? What happened, dear?"
Devon asked, putting his fingers in his hair.

"So, uh, you know how I work in a studio that I rent?"
He starts, not really wanting to say anything but just needing to get it out to someone.

"Yeah? What about the studio?"
The boy wondered, tilting his head a bit as he listened.

"Well, doing art and painting has just been so hard lately! I can't paint a single thing without messing up on it or do any other kind of art for that matter! And I got a lot of pottery, painting and just some basic sketches to do but I just can't bring myself to do it, it's so hard and it stresses me out when I list everything I have to do!"
Jake rants, using his hands to demonstrate and add to his what he was already saying.

"But, I have to be able to work and get all this art out or I'll run out of money! And when I run out of money I won't be able to rent the studio anymore, let alone be able to buy it when I turn eighteen, which is soon! And if I end up with no money or the ability to be able to rent the studio, it'll be up to you to pay all the bills, groceries, gas, and everything else!"
The boy adds, moving to lay on his stomach, still on top of Devon.

"That sound horrible, hun. You must be really stressed out. You don't need to buy the studio as soon as you turn eighteen, you still have plenty of more time. And I'm sure you won't go into debt or anything, you're allowed to take things slow and to take a break. You've been overworking yourself lately and you just need some time to relax for a bit. I'm sure, everything will be just fine."
Devon claimed, talking calmly as he tangled his fingers in Jake's curls.

"It is horrible! I'm insanely stressed! And I know I don't but if I don't buy the studio as soon as possible, someone else will and I won't have anywhere to make a mess and work on my art! And you never know if I'll do into debt or not! You can't tell the future and I'm horrible at saving and spending money! I need to get every commission and request done as soon as I can to get my money! And I don't need to relax! What I need to do is get to working so I won't be completely dependent on you!"
Jake spieled, talking fast and staring at the wall.

"You are most definitely overthinking this. Babe, you're the only one that uses that studio, nobody is going to buy it, I'm sure. You are not going into debt. And if you do, which I know you won't, you can always get another job, there's many other art places around here and I'm sure you can find another place to call your studio."
He replies, lecturing the boy.

"I know you're stressed and you have a lot on your plate right now but it doesn't sound like you had a bad day. You seem stressed and you let that stress get to you and turn into anger. You need to take a break. You can't work for almost fifteen hours everyday. I get you think you need to get everything done as soon as possible, which can be good at times, but I feel like I barely see you anymore. You're always at work and painting, I just need you to calm down a bit. Maybe start working every two days. Like you work for two days and take a day off? I'm sure it'll help."
Devon suggested, adding to what he said before.

"Yeah, alright. I can try that."
Jake says, nodding a bit.

"Good because tomorrow will definitely be your day off."
The boy smiles.

"Want to watch another movie?"

"Yeah but I'm picking this time."

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