Make You Feel Better

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Takes place right after Junior dies

Lexy sat in her bed, she didn't know if she could go on. The love of her life was gone, dead. She just wishes she could sleep without seeing his face. His eyes staring into her's. She can't even close her eyes without seeing the vision of Chucky stabbing him, Junior dying in her arms.

She doesn't know much else she can do. She's tried smoking weed and getting high again, Lexy only cried for him. She's lost sleep and her appetite. Not to mention the fact she's been distancing herself from her only friends, but, they seemed to understand.

She just wishes he was still here, to give him flowers and apologize for being a huge dick! Hopefully get back together with him. But we don't always get what we want. Do we?

Lexy lays in bed, music covering any other sound, including her thoughts. She hides under the covers, almost afraid to come out. She doesn't want to breathe anymore. Nothing to think about until she hears a loud knock on her bedroom door. Lexy slips out from under the covers and pauses her music.

"Come in!"
She groans, annoyed.

She'd assume it was her mom, or her sister. But really, it was Jake and Devon. They held flowers and looked worried. She would tell them to go but she knows she needs someone by her.

"Hey, sorry if this is a bad time. But, we're just worried about you."
Devon starts, he pauses.

"We just, haven't heard from you in over a week and we want to know if you're doing ok."
The boy finishes, both of them walking in the room.

They set the flowers on the desk, they sit next to Lexy on the bed.

"I don't know. Shits just been hard. Harder than usual. I really liked Junior but I was such a bitch! To him, to you."
She says.

"It's like, every time I close my eyes, I see him. I see him dying in my arms. I just sat there crying, I didn't do anything to try to save him! I let him down, again."
Lexy explains.

She begins to cry,
"No matter what I do, he's always in my mind. I even relapsed just to get him off my mind."

"Hey! It's ok to miss him. You were closest to him, and we all miss him. You aren't alone. And yes, maybe you were a bit of a bitch but you changed! You aren't the Lexy you used to be. You just need to relax and take it slow. It will take some time to get over someone's death. Especially someone you loved."
Jake advised.

"And relapsing? Lexy, I know it's hard but smoking weed, that's not going to do anything by harm you. Like Jake said, you need to take it slow."
Devon said, throwing his arm around her shoulder.

"Thanks guys but I don't think I can deal with this any longer. I just feel so guilty."

"It's not your fault! Chucky did it! It was all Chucky, you didn't do anything to kill him."

"It's getting dark out, do you guys want to do something?"

"Something, like what?"

"Anything! We can run around the neighborhood!" Jake suggests, jumping off the bed.

"Might as well. I don't want to be in here anymore." Lexy replies, slowly getting off the bed and wiping the tears out of her eyes.

They always knew how to cheer her up.

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