Makeup and Nails

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  Jake and Devon went over to Lexy's for their weekly sleepover. They both sat on the floor while Lexy said on her stomach in her bed. Jake reached his for his bag.

"Hey, look what I brought!"
He exclaims, taking out a whole nail kit out of his bag.

"Fuck yeah!"
Lexy yells, practically jumping off her bed and she rushes to her desk.

"And we can do makeup too!"
She adds, throwing all of her makeup in between the boys on the floor and scoots next to him.

Jake screams, throwing his arms into the air.

"Ok, we're doing nails first though."
Devon says, crossing his legs.

"Alright, alright!"
Lexy sighs, putting her makeup off to the side.

Jake takes out his nail polish remover and hands it to Lexy.
"Rub off all your nail polish."
He demands

Jake then grabs his nail filer and snatches Devon's hand. He rubs the filer over his nails.
"Give me your other hand."
The boy muttered to himself, grabbing his other hand and doing the same thing.

"Ok, I'm done. What do you want me to do now?" Lexy asked, throwing the bottle of nail polish remover at him.

"Ow. That hurt. And you can just wait until I'm done with Devon. You're hands need to be completely dry before I file them."
Jake instructs, not taking his eyes off the other boy's nails.

"Mk. Better hurry it up then."
She jokes, getting on her phone and getting onto Pinterest, looking for makeup ideas.

"Oo, Jake look here for a moment!"
Lexy requests, scooting next to Devon.
"Do you think this makeup look would look good on Devon?"

"Yes, but make it green."
Jake says.

"Ooo ok!"
The blonde agrees, looking back down at her phone and smiling, the screen shining in her face.

Jake then digs back into his bag, looking for some tool. He then takes out a small metal stick.
"Give me your hand again."
He demands, talking quietly.

He takes the tool, which was a cuticle pusher and looks closely at his nail. Jake continues to do this with every nail before Lexy interrupts their session again.
"Jake, look at Devon for a minute."

"Do you think this would look good on Jake?"
She asks.

Devon exclaims, looking at the picture then looking at his boyfriend, and back at the picture again.

"God! What's taking you so long!"
Lexy complains, randomly walking around in her room.

"Just give us a minute. I'm almost done, I just have to do his other hand and I have to paint them."
Jake replies, mumbling as he's focused, dipping Devon's hand in water as he pushes the cuticles back on his other hand.

She grumbled.

"You can play that one playlist you like and dance around. It won't take long for me to paint his nails." The curly haired boy mumbles, trying his best not to hurt the other.

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