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It's Lexdine without much of the Nadine 🙃

  Lexy laid in her bed, zoned out but tears slowly fell from her eyes. It was very late at night but she couldn't sleep. Nadine wasn't in her room. For some reason, she was in the library, looking for some book she's been obsessing over.

  There was something about Nadine. Lexy just felt so attached to her and hated being away from her. Maybe it was the way she smiled. Or how her round glasses fit perfectly on her face. Maybe how her hair stood up on her hair with the perfect amount of curls. She remembers feeling like this when she was with Junior. But, she's never felt like this towards a girl before. Especially towards a girl like Nadine.

  Like come on! She's so extroverted! She's always smiling, always looks at something in a positive way and just weird! Plus, she steals things! Completely opposite from her. But, if you think about it, those are good things. She's social, can never take anything in a negative way, and she's always there to support her friends. Even when Lexy pushed her away, she came right back. Guess that's what Lexy likes about Nadine.

  It was all way too confusing for the blonde. It wasn't possible for her to be gay! She's liked boys all her live, never even had a thought about girls. And it would be bad for her if she was a homosexual. Lexy knows how bad homophobia was. Shes seen Jake and Devon deal with it before, she wouldn't ever want to go through that.

  But... Nadine. It was a weird feeling. Lexy actually wanted to kiss her, date her, possibly even marry her. Just, everything she's done for her. Helping her with her addiction, and just being there for her. She has never let anyone else in. Not even her closest friends. It was just so easy for her to let someone like that into her life.

  Lexy didn't know what to do, her mind was lost thinking about her, crying. She's finally decided to talk to Jake and Devon about this. Lexy knows they would still be awake, or at least Jake would be.

  She sneaks out the room, tiptoeing to the floor below her, finding numbers 333, Jake and Devon's room. Lexy knows she'll probably regret it but it's the only thing she can do. She knocks on the door, making sure it wouldn't be too loud. Lexy waits and the door opens. She runs into Jake's arms, now she really can't help herself from crying. It reminds her of being in Nadine's arms.

  Devon puts the book he was reading down and rushes over to the others.

"What's wrong? And where's Nadine?"
Jake asked.

"She's in the library.."
Lexy answered, wiping her tears away.

"How about we sit down and talk."
Devon suggested.

"So, tell us what's going on."

"I don't know. I just feel like there's something wrong with me."
Lexy started, looking at nothing else but the floor and her slippers.

"What do you mean?"
Jake asked.

"I don't know! There's just something about Nadine. Obviously you guys know, since your two are dating. But I've never felt this way about a girl before! I've never liked a girl before and I haven't even thought about it! It's just, whenever I'm around her I get these butterflies in my stomach, like I did when I was with Junior. And I just can't stop thinking about her! She put a curse on me or something!"
The blonde explains.

"Wait, so are you saying you like her?"
Devon asked.

"I think. That's why I came here. I have only ever liked guys so I don't know why I suddenly feel so attracted to Nadine!"
Lexy claims.

"Well I doubt she put a curse on you!"
The dark skinned male says.

"It's your gay awakening!"
Jake joked.

"This isn't the time for jokes. I'm in a crisis!"
She cried.

"You're right, you're right. I'm sorry!"

"But if we are being real here, I'm pretty positive you're in love with her. And you are confused." Devon guessed.

"Well no shit I'm confused! I can't be a lesbian!" Lexy yells.

"Just like you like women doesn't mean you're a lesbian. There are many other sexualities. Like bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, and a lot more." Jake claims.

"Well how do I figure out which one I am?"
She asks.

"You have to do research. You have do define yourself."
Devon explains.

"Be who you are! For your pride!!"

"Jake, shut up."


"Hey do you guys have any idea where Lexy is? She isn't in our room?"
Nadine wonders, walking into the room.

"How did you get in?"
Jake asked.

"You left the door open.."


"Well, are you ok, Lexy? Sorry I was gone for a long time. I couldn't find the book."
The ginger claims, skipping closer to the blonde.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm great. I was just lonely so I decided to come hang with these dorks while you were in the library."
Lexy elaborates, slightly blushing.

"Oh my god. They are in love."
Jake whispers to Devon. Lexy looks back at them and flicks them off, specifically Jake, as Nadine drags her out of their room.

Chucky Series ShortsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora