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It was almost two am, and Jake sat up in bed, unable to sleep. He hated nights like this. He loved sleeping but he could never actually fall asleep. It's just been like that since his mom died, and got worse when his dad died. Jake did find it weird though. He noticed how he would fall asleep earlier when he was with Devon, his boyfriend. But he wasn't here.

Jake had no doubt that Devon would be asleep right now. But he just wanted to call him so badly. Even if he knew that he was asleep and wasn't going to pick up, what harm would there be in trying?

The phone ring, 1....2....3, Jake counted until he heard a grumbly voice on the other line.


"Oh hey Devon... did I wake you?"
Asked Jake, already knowing the answer.

"Uhh.. I don't know. I don't even
remember if I fell asleep."
He answers, his sleepy laugh could
be heard. Jake giggled a bit too.

"Anyways, are you in trouble? Is there
a reason you called at 2:03 am?"
Devon asked, now being serious.

"No, not really. I just couldn't sleep, sorry
to bother you, bae. You should get your
beauty sleep."
He responded, praying that he wasn't
much of a bother to him right now.

"I'm on my way."
He heard from the other line then Devon hung up.

|Jake 2:04 am.: don't come over here! I'll be fine plus I don't want you to get hurt or in trouble!!

|Jake 2:07 am: I'm serious Dev! I'll never forgive myself if something happened to you!

|Jake 2:08 am: BABEE!!! Have you even seen my messages?!

After minutes of panicking, he heard a soft knock on his window. Seeing the face of Devon made all his worries wash away, like oceans waves washing onto the grains of sand. Jake didn't waste any time getting out of bed and unlocking the window. When Devon made it inside, they sat back down on the bed.

"Are you having nightmares or is
it another one of those nights?"
The dark skinned teen asked, his voice still
raspy and toned with drowsiness.

"It's just another normal night. I don't get
it. Why is it the only time I sleep I get nightmares? Then other nights I can't sleep? Lexy doesn't
have this problem. Neither do you and Nadine.
So why me?"
Jake ranted, falling back into bed, the
other not far behind him.

"Maybe you just miss me so much you
can't sleep. You just can't wait to see me!"
Devon joked, his giggle barely
audible. Jake laughed too.

"Yeah maybe."
He replied, sarcastically.

"But I do always sleep better when I'm
with you. Not sure why that is."
Jake added, turning his head to look
at his boyfriend, who was next to him.

"Not sure. Maybe I'm just special."
He said.

"That isn't a maybe. You are special."
The curly haired teen corrected, then
leaned in for a kiss.

"You're more special."

"No you."

"No! You!"

"I'm not special, you are. You don't
now how lucky I am to have you in my life."

"You have no idea how lucky I am then. I have this handsome man, laying right next to me right now."

  After a moment or so of going back and fourth, they ended up cuddling. Devon's head lying against the headboard and Jake lying on his chest. The taller teen could see the other struggle to stay awake.

"You can go to sleep if you want too. It's my fault
for waking you up and dragging you down here."
Jake said.

"Nothing is your fault. Besides, I'm not even
tired. And I'm the one that decided to come
down here to make sure you were ok."
Devon claimed. He wasn't wrong about that.

"Have you taken any melatonin?"
He asked, sitting up.

"No, we don't have any"
Jake answered.

"Ok. Well I brought some. I'll go grab them."
Devon said. He got off the bed and grabbed his
bag off the chair, opening it up and throwing
Jake a container.

"Oo! My favorite ones too!"
He commented.

"They're my favorite too."
He said, getting back in the spot he was in before. Jake didn't wait another second to fall back into his chest, taking three gummies.

It's been awhile since he's taken gummies so he already knows they're going to kick in quickly. Devon was already dozing off again, slipping out of consciousness and loosing touch with the world. Jake laid there and observed, seeing his eyes close with eager and his breathing evening out; his breath soft. Jake seeing his boyfriend so sleepy kind of made him tired. He got comfortable on his chest, shifting positions and closing his eyes. The only way he was ever able to sleep is if he faked it. So that's what he did, he laid there with his eyes closed and with the sound of his boyfriend's heartbeat and breathing, he'd fall asleep soon too.

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