Couch Cuddles

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They have their own apartment lol

Devon laid on the couch in his and Jake's apartment. Dozing off and half asleep. Last night was his first time in years pulling off an all nighter and now he feels like he's hungover. Though, he has never drank in his life. He stares at the tv, he doesn't know what movies on, and he doesn't care. He's barely keeping his eyes open anyway. Jake comes into the living room and lays on top of him.

Devon mumbles. Even if he doesn't see, he knows it's Jake.

"How are you feeling? You haven't been acting normal."
Jake states.

"I feel like I'm hungover. And I don't even know what that feels like."
He claims.

"Is it because you stayed up all night finishing that project?"
The other asked.

"Pretty sure. Haven't felt like this since I was like thirteen when I had a shitty sleep schedule."
Devon sniggered.

"How about we cuddle?"
Jake suggested.

"We already are."

"No like I cuddle you. I'll be the big spoon for once!"

"But, I don't want to get up!"
Devon whined.

"You don't have too."
Jake claimed, picking him and and laying down on the couch, carefully setting the other boy on top of him.

"See, you didn't have to go anything."
The curly headed male assured, his fingers already on his back.

Devon hummed, closing his tired eyes, ignoring the light that shined through the windows.

Jake rubbed his back gently, staring at the tv and observing, just waiting for the boy above him to fall asleep. When he hears the soft but heavy snoring, all he can do is admire his boyfriend. His eyes can't look away from him. He watches as he flutters his eyes and grumbles something in his sleep. He never really looked so peaceful. Guess he really needed the sleep.

I really wanted this to be so much longer but I'm so sick of it being in my drafts and I don't have anything else to add to it.

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