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This is NOT meant to sexualize the characters/actors, romanticize, fetish or glamorize the movie at all! This is only for entertainment purposes and do not commit these actions in real life!

Daniel is Evie in this story and also a random character I made up. Jake is Tracy

No Chucky AU!! Everyone is still alive and Jake and Devon are in the talking stage. Let's pretend Jake's dad is really cool and totally not a dick. 😀

(you do not have to listen to it! But if you do I prefer listening to it in order)

WARNINGS: Needles, Self Harm

Jake says dryly, shaking her hand. He already didn't like this blue eyes, dirty blonde bitch. He could tell they weren't just coworkers, they've been going out.

After some time of them going back and forth between his and Junior's house, they finally got all their stuff here. Jake and Daniel of course hiding all their illegal things. They run around the house, picking out which room they wanted. Of course, they choose the downstairs one. It'll be easier to sneak out and it's closest to the kitchen. Daniel helps set up the room and even goes through his old clothes, throwing out some of his clothes he still kept from when he was like ten.

They set up the mini fridge he kept in his room and puts all the beers in there and hiding their drugs, weed and cigarettes around the room. It was already dark out when they got done, his room looked the same as it did at Junior's just a bit smaller and a different house.

"Hey, look at what I stole from the tattoo shop."
Jake says, showing Daniel the jewelry.

"Oh my god! Let's do it right now!"
The other boy exclaims.

Jake lays down on his bed and Daniel gets on top of him.
"This is probably going to hurt more than your tongue and septum."

"I don't give a shit."

Daniel pokes Jake's belly button and it starts to bleed.
"What the fuck did you do?!"
Jake asked, sitting up as Daniel rushes out the room.

"Boys? Is everything okay?"
Lucas asks, looking away from the tv in the living room.

"Yeah it's okay, we just spilled some Pepsi!"
Daniel yells.

Eventually, they got the piercing in and they laid in bed. Lucas comes in and Jake covers his stomach with the comforter.
"Do you remember those jeans you wanted at Malroe's? Well, I ordered them online for you, they should be here next Thursday I believe?"

"Thanks, dad."
Jake smiles.

"I love you, make sure you get some sleep."
He says, leaning in for a kiss, he turns his head.

After Lucas stands up straight, Daniel sits up and kissed him on the lips.
"I love you, Luke."
Jake turns his head and gives them a dirty look.

After he leaves, Eve knocks on the window. Daniel gets out of the bed,
"Just a minute."
He whispers to her.

"Where are you going?"
Jake asked.

"What, do you want to go?"
Daniel asks as he changes clothes.


"Well, it's just going to be me and Eve tonight, if you get what I mean."

"I thought you were gay?"
Jake questions.

"Bisexual. I fuck with both girls and guys."
He corrects as he climbs out the window on flicks him off.

Jake pouts and throws himself into his bed before looking at his wrist. Just one more time he thought. Then, he got up and went to the bathroom. He looks around in the drawers and cabinets for his rag and blade. When he finds it, he sits on the floor and rolls his sleeve up. Taking the blade to his skin, over all his healed ones, over all the new ones.

Daniel has been keeping him distracted from something like this. Doing drugs, smoking, sneaking out every Friday. But now that he's not here, that's all he can think about.

Jake's been having this probably since he was nine; when his mom died. He doesn't ever feel sorry for himself, only when he does this and looks back at it the next day. But he doesn't feel remorse for long, he forgets about it until night time rises again, and then the next morning when he makes the same mistake.

He looks at his wrist and harshly pushes the sleeve back down before leaving the bathroom. He doesn't remember much after that, just going to bed. Daniel gets back a few hours later and sneaks into bed, he looks over Jake and sees the blood, seeping through his shirt.

"I love you, Jake."
Daniel whispers before laying down.

After they got all moved in, Ebony started coming over more, having dinner with them, spending the night. They knew something was going on between them but it's like they hid it from them. Jake even caught them making out in the living room once. He didn't want her coming in and ruining their lives. He just wanted it to be him and his dad, that's all.

  Once, when Daniel wasn't there, Jake caught Ebony doing coke in the bathroom. He saw her fall to the floor and Jake started yelling. When Lucas came to the scene, he shooed him out and slammed the door. Jake doesn't know how much more he can take.

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