Comfort Crowd

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Uhhhh based of a Conan Gray song. No this is not a songfic. I love Conan 🫡

  Lexy just got done making Mac n cheese for lunch. Her mom went was out doing errands and wouldn't be back until later tonight. The box of noodle was only half way filled, leaving not very much for them to split. But there wasn't another box for her to cook.

  She gave half to Caroline and the other half for herself. When she took a bite, she knew there was something wrong. The noodles weren't cooked all the way through. She did exactly what her mom taught her to do when she was only eight. Lexy couldn't even make Mac n cheese. Wow, she really is worthless. Useless whore. Selfish bitch.


  Lexy didn't even eat her food, she just ran to her room. Caroline could take care of herself anyway. Better than needing her to just sit there and be on her phone, not even paying any attention to her. She is such a bitch; such an asshole towards Caroline. She doesn't deserve that. Lexy laid in her bed, face down and sobbing.

She heard. The voice was soft and she immediately knew who it was.

  She lifted her head off the, now, damp pillow. Seeing her girlfriend standing in the doorway. Lexy wanted to let her in again, feeling the air warm up when they hugged.

"Your sister let me in. Is everything ok?"
Nadine added, walking closer. A concerned look was painted across her face.

  Lexy wiped a tear, she nodded. It only took one look from the ginger for her to break down and deny everything. She spilled. Her teacup tipped over and all of the tea inside was now pouring. It was cold.

"I just feel so useless. Everything I do is always wrong. I can't do anything right! I can't even make some simple fucking Mac n cheese without it going wrong! I literally used to do drugs! I couldn't even go a day without some pills keeping me awake! I'm just so worthless and I have no place in life."
Lexy angrily ranted, the tears streamed down her face again; like a river.

"Hey, hey, hey! You don't need to be thinking about yourself like that! Maybe you used to have a drug problem, but that's all in the past! You were able to own up to your mistake and seek help. Not many people can do that, my mother couldn't! And everyone has a place. This is your place, this is my place. We are meant to be together. That's why we're here! And maybe you can't do everything but that doesn't mean you can't do anything. We all mess up on small, tiny, simple things but we get better and come back stronger. You. You came back even stronger after rehab. You're the bravest person I know, honest."
Nadine advised, pulling the blonde in  for a hug. Just like Lexy wanted, the cold air filled with warmth and love from the shorter girl.

  Lexy started to feel all fuzzy inside, suddenly not wanting to let go. They stayed in that position for a minute, just silence while Nadine messed with a part of the blonde's hair.

She pulled away,
"Thank you, I really needed that."

"You don't need to thank me. I'm just speaking my mind."
The ginger smiled.

"Now, do you want to do what we had originally planned?"
Nadine added.

"Of course."
Lexy responded, leaning into her and the dark eyed girl gives the other a kiss on the head.

Chucky Series ShortsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora