Psycho Killer

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TW: (somewhat graphic) details of death/murder scene, major character death, drug abuse, kidnapping

(There's a song if you slide over the photo! The song isn't necessary though)

What if Jake really was a killer..?

Devon sat in the chair, shaking and crying. The first boy he ever loved was of course, a killer. Lexy couldn't believe the news either. Jake fucking Wheeler was a killer. Devon couldn't believe what he was hearing, and the fact that he's been helping Chucky this whole time. Neither of them couldn't understand how he manipulated them, not letting anything slip between his fingers. They were so vulnerable around him, he could've killed them whenever he wanted! This wasn't how he pictured his first love. They had to come up with a plan, to out-smart him.

"Ok so, how about we pretend not to know anything! And then when he least expects it, we stab him in the back! Metaphoric or literal."
Lexy says.

"I don't know! I feel like he's going to be able to see right through me!"
Devon stated, putting his head down in distress.

All of the sudden, Jake walks through the door. Like nothing! He probably just killed someone on his way here.

"Devon..what's wrong?"
He asks, he saw the tears.

"I'm still upset about my mom. We were going to have a whole movie night and everything and now I can't do anything with her anymore."
The dark skinned male claims.

"I know, and you have every right to be upset. It's going to take some time. Just..try to keep your head up."
Jake advised.

"Anyways, guys. I found out where Chucky is! He is on his way to the hotel down the road right now! And he's going to kill everyone there! We have to stop him!"
He adds, he eyes the kitchen knives over by Lexy.

He slowly makes his way over there, not making anyone suspicious. Devon and Lexy don't know how he can just mask his true self, a murderer.

"Are you sure? He could just be tricking us to make us think he's going there and then he could just kill us!"
Lexy explains, throwing her hands in the air and leaning into the island table.

Jake sneakily takes a knife, still, neither of them noticing.

"Yeah, that is true. But what if he's not? He's going to kill everyone in that building!"
Jake yells, he walks up by the blonde.

"I don't know guys, I don't think I can go on, I don't want anybody else getting hurt."
Devon claims.

And that's when Jake strikes, putting the knife into Lexy's back. Blood spilling out all over the floor. She's dying, and everyone knows it. She slowly looks over at Jake, tears in her eyes.

"I knew it."
That's all she says before she goes limp onto the floor, the knife now piercing further into her back, killing her.

Devon gets up, stumbling backward, in a panicked manner. Jake walking towards him, love in his eyes, but not the type of love he's seen before. He couldn't describe it even if he tried. He has no weapon, Devon knows Jake isnt going to hurt him, weapon or not. He knows he wouldn't ever dare do anything to hurt him.

"I've been waiting to do that since sixth grade."
Jake claims, pointing to Lexy's body. He gets closer to him, Devon keeps backing up until he hits the wall.

"Devon, honey, you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. If you just come with me, we can be together forever! We can be the next Bonnie and Clyde! obviously."
The boy adds.

"I don't think I can."
Devon hesitantly responds, putting his hands up in fear.

"You know, right when I walked in the door I knew why you were both crying, I knew what was up. I knew I could finally give that bitch her own medicine! She was a bad influence anyways!"
Jake says.

Now their bodies are touching, Jake holding onto Devon's wrist. He's too scared to say anything. Devon just wants this all to end. He wants to be happy again, he wants the Jake he met at the lunch table that day at school. He wants his mom back. He wants Lexy back. He wants it all back. Everything Chucky has taken away from him.

"Now, I know you won't willingly come with me. So I'm going to have to do this."
Jake say, he pulls something out his pocket.

Devon can't stop hyperventilating, he feels like he's dying. Well, he's really just having a panic attack. Tears stream down his face, he feels that Jake is pulling something out of his pocket in slow motion, he can't see what it is.

It's a needle. I long, sharp needle, it has a liquid in it. That Devon wishes he could identify.

"It'll only be a small prick, and you'll be okay."
Jake says, he holds the big needle up to his arm, he can't fight back with all of Jake's strength.

It's in. It hasn't even been a minute and he already feels woozy. Maybe this is what it feels like to be drunk. Devon can only wish that he could go back in time and to actually have fun with Lexy. Get high with her, drunk, anything. He can feel his eyes flutter, Jake's looking at him, he can see at least five of him.

"Aww, baby, quit fighting. Let it consume you."
He says, he falls into his arms.

Jake rubs his back, soothing him. His eyes finally close and his body goes limp, Devon let's the drug consume him.

Devon only feels like it's been minutes since that happened but in reality, it's been close to a day. He wakes up in a chair, tied up and tape over his mouth.

He can see Jake standing over him, the room still spinning from the drug. The first thing he notices about Jake is the dark red lipstick on his lips. Maybe if he wasn't a killer, he could kiss him.

"You know, I wish I could stay here and chat but I have to get going, I've got important business to take care of."
Jake says.

He walks closer to him and gives him a kiss on the lips, well, through the tape at least but it's the thought that counts. And another kiss on the forehead and he just leaves. Jake didn't even look back.

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