"Don't Believe Him"

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"Nadine! You can't trust Chucky! He's killed so many people! He killed my dad, almost all of Jake's family and Devon's mom. Just because we forced him to watch some gruesome videos doesn't mean he's changed! He's tricking you and Jake!"
Lexy claimed, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Lexy, I'll be fine. I know he won't hurt me. He loves me. And even if he does, I'll be happier then. He's really changed!"
Nadine stated, looking into the blonde's eyes.

"Don't believe him."
She muttered, almost a whisper. But she was already gone. She had already walked out the bathroom, leaving her alone.

Lexy doesn't know what came over her, tears fell from her eyes. She was crying. Lexy just wants to protect her from any harm, including Chucky. She runs back to Jake and Devon's room, where her and Devon met everyday, and he was there waiting for him.

She slams the door behind her, sliding down the wall and falling to her knees, now her cries are really uncontrollable. Devon immediately sees everything and runs over to help her.

  He helps her onto the bed and holds her closely, hoping it'll seek comfort. After moments she pulls away, wiping her tears. She tells him everything. Everything, where she started smoking weed and doing drugs again to a few minutes ago in the bathroom.

"Then she just walks away! She actually believes he's a good guy! He's going to fucking kill her and Jake! I can't fucking deal anymore."
She finishes, now stomping around the room as she explains.

"I know...and I'm sorry. I can't believe I don't notice anything, I just feel bad."
Devon responds, getting up and rubbing her shoulder.

"It's fine. I've gotten rid of all my drugs I'm not addicted. I'm going to quit. It's just Nadine. I had nobody for the longest time and when he come here she's just always there for me. She's helped me with my drug problems and everything then she turns her back on me to a fucking good guy doll with a homicidal killer's soul trapped in it."
Lexy rants.

"And I've just been so confused lately. Nadine just confuses me. She makes me want to stick around. I think I really like her...and not in a platonic friend way. It's just.. everything she's done since we came here. She's the sweetest person ever."
She adds, sitting back down next to Devon.

"So.. you like girls?"
He asked.

"That's why I'm confused. I've never really thought about it until recently. Also I've never liked a girl before. I've liked non-binary people though. So I don't know what that makes me."
The blonde continues, her hands gripping her hair in frustration.

"You could be Pansexual? Or Omnisexual if you have a preference."
Devon suggests.

"I think so. I've done some research over these past few days and pan sounds like me but I'm still not sure."
She confirms.

"You don't have to label yourself right now. And even if you do you can change it. You don't have to identify as the same thing forever if it doesn't sound like you."
He explains.

Lexy asks.

"Yeah. I was bi then pan for a minute, then I was omni then I was unlabeled then I went back to bi and it's been like that since."
Devon shrugs.

"Interesting... I didn't know you could do that."
She comments.

"Yeah. But no pressure, you don't have to label yourself now if you want too."

"I think I'm going to go for pansexual for little bit, see if I'm comfortable with it."
She replies, smiling.

"Sounds good!"

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