Science Notes

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It was the third day in a row where Lexy would fall asleep in fourth period. Nadine sat right behind her and knew the blonde wouldn't be waking up soon, so she decided to take her notes for her and just give them to her later when they went back to her house.

"Can anyone answer the question on the board? What are three uses for photosynthesis? Obviously there are many uses for it but I just want three!"
The teacher explains.

She then yells, causing Lexy to immediately sit up.

"Yes, miss?"
She asks.

"Can you answer the question on the board? What are three uses for photosynthesis?"
She repeats.

After a few seconds of silence, Lexy comes up with an answer.
"It helps plants grow, it gives the animals food and then the animals give us food."

"That is...correct. Nice job for not paying attention again."
The teacher claims.

  Lexy rolls her eyes and lays her head back down, ignoring the teacher. She fell back asleep minutes later and despite Nadine continuously tapping on she shoulder in an attempt to keep her awake. The ring of the bell not waking Lexy up so Nadine shook her awake.


"Class is over. You won't be able to eat the pizza for lunch today if you lay here and sleep."
Nadine claimed.

"Oh shit."
Lexy said, fixing her hair before jumping out of her seat and grabbing her things.

  They both ran to their usual lunch table, Jake and Devon already there.

"Where were you guys?"
Devon asked.

"I fell asleep again in science, Nadine had to wake me up."
Lexy explained.

Jake queried.

"Yes again, it's just so boring and I would just rather sleep."
The blonde said.

"Lexy, I took notes for you so you wouldn't fail the test tomorrow."
Nadine said, pulling out her binder and handing her the papers.

"There's a test tomorrow? I thought it was Friday?"

"Tomorrow is Friday!"

"Oh. Well shit. I'm going to fail."

"Don't get held back."
Jake teased.

"Oh my god! Shut up!"
Lexy yelled, hitting him with the papers.

"Damn, trying to give me a paper cut?"


"Anyways, thank you Nadine."

"Aww, you're welcome."

"Ok, that's enough lovebirds."
The curly headed male interfered.

"Jake, shut up! I should be saying that about you and Devon, you guys flirt all the time."
Lexy claimed.

"And you guys feed each other your food."
Nadine added.

"And the food is good as hell too!"
Devon says.

"It depends."
Lexy replies.

"What do you mean depends? All of it is good, sorry you're a picky eater."
Jake jokes.

"I'm not a picky eater I just don't like most of the school food."

"Exactly, picky."
Devon claims.

"Oh my god, whatever. Let's go get our food and I'll look at those notes."

This has been in my drafts since October and I hate this so much but I want it gone.

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