Internalized Homophobia

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Takes place in episode 4 like where Lexy starts becoming nicer to Jake and Oliver is still alive because I say so.

"Hey have any of you guys heard from Devon?"
Lexy asked, looking at her phone for a response from the boy.

"Nope. He hasn't answered any of my text messages."
Oliver shrugged.
"He was supposed to meet us here thirty minutes ago!"

"He has his phone on do not disturb."
Junior sighs, showing them the notification.

"What's wrong with him?"
Lexy asked, somewhat annoyed.

"He's probably just having one of those days."
The dark haired male claims.

"Again? Come on, let's go talk to him."
The other male says, getting up from the bench they sat at.

They walked over to Devon's house, luckily it wasn't far, and they knocked on the door. It takes a minute but eventually Devon answers the door.

"The door is unlocked you know."
He mumbles.

Lexy analyzed him for a moment. Puffy eyes, shaking, quiet voice, almost a whisper, his voice was also shaky and he wiped his eyes when he answered the door. Lexy didn't know what to say, she was never good at comforting people.

"Are you ok? You were supposed to meet us at the park almost an hour ago and your phone was so not disturb."
She explains, fidgeting with her fingers.

Devon nods.
"I'm fine, just had some things on my mind."

"You're questioning your sexuality again, are you?" Junior wondered.

The boy nods again, not saying anything as tears welled his eyes again. Junior goes in and gives him a hug, he doesn't like physical touch that much but in this case, to comfort a friend, it was alright.

"It'll be alright, Devon."
Oliver says, he shakes his head.

"It won't be alright, Oliver. I'm a fucking freak. I feel gross and disgusting!"
Devon cried, melting into Junior's hug.

"Ok, let's just sit down and talk about this. Is that ok, Devon?"
Lexy asked.

"Can you tell us why you feel this way?"
She asked, sitting beside him on the couch and patting his back as he laid his head on her shoulder.

Devon shrugs.
"I don't know. I just started liking guy and it's weird because I've never really had a crush on anyone before, especially a guy. And I guess I never really thought about my sexuality and now it's the only thing on my mind! It's so confusing and it's just hard because all you guys are straight and I don't know a single gay person."

"You can talk to Jake, he's out of the closet."
Junior said.

"I've been thinking about that but I don't know how to start a conversation with him. I can't just walk up to him and say "oh I think I'm gay." That's just weird and awkward. Besides, if I actually did you guys would've been pissed at me."
Devon explains.

"Ok yeah, that's true."
Oliver sighs.

"Well, tell us about your crush!"
Lexy exclaims.

The boy smiles and blushes a bit at the thought of him.
"He's cute, has nice hair, everything he does is so funny and he doesn't know it! He's always himself, has a nice face shape, he's smile lightens up my whole day even if he doesn't do it much and he's always so quiet. But, nobody really likes him."
He describes.

"What? Is he like one of the nerds or something?" The blonde giggled.

Devon shrugs again.
"Shit. Is it Jake?"
Junior asked.

He nodded as a tear fell onto Lexy's pink shirt. "What? Why him?"
She asked, trying to hold back her laugh.

"I don't know! Everyone I know hates him, including you three! And I just don't understand why! I feel like I'm supposed to hate him because everyone else does! And that just makes it worse because he's open as gay and I don't know if you guys will hate me too if I'm gay!"
Devon whined.

"You being gay isn't an "if" anymore. It's clear that you're in love with Jake. And we hate him because he's a loser, not because he's gay. And you aren't a loser. We won't stop being your friend just because you're gay."
Oliver replied.

"And if it makes you feel better, you should go talk to Jake. We'll try not to say anything about him in front of you I guess. Just be careful to not become a freak." Lexy adds.

"And if you guys do get together, which I can't have any doubts for, you better not break his heart. I may hate him but he's my cousin and I'll kick your ass if you do something to hurt him. And same goes for if he hurts you, I'll kick his ass too."
Junior exclaims, making Devon laugh.

"Yeah, I won't."

"Alright, is the crying session over now? I want to go to the gas station."
Oliver says.

They all agree and walk to the gas station getting their slushies like they always do.

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