Thrift Shopping

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"Ugh! I need new clothes!"
Lexy groans, laying in her bed, her head hanging off.

Devon asked.

"Because! Do you not see my closet? I left some of my clothes at my old place and I just don't feel like myself when I wear these clothes!"
She exclaims, getting off the bed and opening up her closet door.

"I mean, I guess we could go shopping. I don't think I've really been in this part of town so there could possibly be different stores?"
Jake claims.

"But we don't have any money!"
Devon says.

Lexy sighs,

"We could go thrift shopping? They sell clothes for like really cheap."
Jake suggested.

"Absolutely not! Those clothes probably have a million diseases on them!"
The blonde exclaims.

"You have to wash them. You don't just buy them and wear it!"
Devon explains.

"Whatever. At least I get new clothes."
Lexy says, getting her shoes on.

  They walk around town, most likely getting lost as they end up on new streets with every turn they take until they find it, the thrift store. Jake grand their hands and leads them inside. This is something Jake always enjoyed doing, but he's never been to this one before.

"It smells musty in here."
Lexy whispers.

"It's fine you can take a shower when we get back." Devon whispers back.

Jake grabs a cart.
"Ok, one section at a time. We should stay together."

  They both nod, Devon eventually sits in the cart that had some clothes in it already. They split the cart into sections, so they knew who's pile was who's. They go down some random pant isle, they look through clothes when a girl next to them, cart full of clothes, gives them a 'look' and turns her cart around. They all notice and Lexy catches her attention.

"I'm sorry, do you have a problem?"
She asks, the girl, around their age, turns around.

"I'm sorry, what?"
She questions.

"I mean, you kind of just gave us a nasty look and I just want to know if you've got a problem with us." Lexy says.

"I'm sorry, I don't have a 'problem' with you. I barely even know you and I just haven't seen you here before. So it's all just kind of weird. I know basically everyone who comes here. And some people just like to steal things from you cart. I just don't want any of my clothes taken."
She explains.

"I'm sorry, people actually steal from here?"
Devon asked.

"Not necessarily, most people actually pay for their things. But, if they see something they like in your cart and you're not paying attention to it, they just snatch it from your cart. It's really annoying. I've had to deal with it a few times."
The girl explains.

"I'm sorry, do I know you? I just feel like I recognize you for some reason."
Lexy wonders, taking a good look at the girl.

"Uhh, Maria Wright, Miley Wright's younger sister, I'm just a grade under you guys actually. I know she was friends with you and stuff."
She introduced.

"Oh and uh, she bullied you two, sorry about that by the way. She was a dick."
Maria claims, looking at the two boys behind the blonde.

"It's fine, we're over it now."
Jake responds.

"Nice seeing you, again?"
Lexy says, shaking the girl's hand, Maria nods.

"Yep, cya, Lexy, Jake and Devon."
She waves, walking away.

"She knows us?"
Jake asked, Devon shrugs.

"Ooo! Look at these!"
Lexy says, pulling a pair of jeans from the rack.

  After they look through every isle of the store, they leave spending sixty-dollars, with all their money added up. Devon calls an Uber and has them dropped down the road from Rachel's house. They walk the rest of the way there.

"And you said you wouldn't like the thrift store!" Jake exclaims, poking at Lexy.

"Well, I'm wrong about a few things."
She replies.

"We're aware of that."
Devon teases.

  They reach their home and open the door, Rachel in the living room. She paused the show she had on the tv and turns to them.

"Hey guys, where did you go?"
She asked.

"We just went thrift shopping."
Jake says.

"Wow, you really got Lexy to go thrift shopping? Something I never thought I'd hear of."
Rachel claims.

"I know, shocker."
Lexy responds, rolling her eyes playfully.

"I was going to take all of you shopping tomorrow but that's alright."
She says.

"You don't need to do that."
Devon comments.

"I know I don't, but Lexy, I'm still taking you shopping."
The ginger suggested.

"Really? Why?"
The blonde asked.

Rachel glances at the boys and looks back at her mouthing the words
"bra shopping."

"Ohhh, okay. Yeah."
Lexy replies, nodding.

Jake questioned, clueless.

"Oh my god you can be an idiot sometimes. They're going bra shopping!"
Devon exclaims.

The other male nods.

"We can go right now if you want, it's only three." Rachel suggested.

"Sure. Let me just put my bags in my room real quick."
Lexy answers, rushing to her room.

When she comes back, Rachel turns to the boys.
"So, boys, you'll have the house to yourself for a bit, don't do anything while we're gone."

"We won't!"
Devon smiles, Jake covering his face.

"Ok, cya."
She says, walking out the door.

"Yeah, don't do anything, Jake!"
Lexy teased, following Rachel.

"Ok, let's go try on our clothes!"
Devon says, grabbing Jake's hand and pulling him off the couch.

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