My Fault {AO3 REQUEST}

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Takes place in season 2 but let's act like Jake and Devon weren't fighting

Tw: Self Harm, Eating Disorder, Suicide Thoughts, Bullying

Jake has been crying for hours on end. He skipped all of his classes today, telling Devon that he wasn't feeling too good and said he wouldn't go to class today. He sat in the corner of his room, trying to hide and run from all his problems. This was all his fault. He bought that stupid thing at the garage sale, he brought Lexy and Devon into this whole thing. And worst of all, he didn't get rid of that thing when he had the chance.

What makes this day horrible. Chucky won't stop talking about his self harm addiction. It was only a matter of time before he told the others. Chucky just can't leave his mind. He did this last year as well. He wouldn't stop talking about his self harm and kept telling him, just one more time. That urge is back and worst than it ever was before. Luckily, he brought some blades with him.

Jake crawls to his nightstand next to his bed and digs for the blade and rag in the plastic bag. He leave against his bed, looking at the dried blood, frozen onto the blade. He rolls up his sleeves to his pajama shirt, revealing all of the scars from the many times before. Some newer than others, some that'll be there forever, and some that'll eventually disappear; like it was never there.

He hesitates for a moment, is he sure he wants to relapse now? Yes, yes he is sure. Before thinking anymore, he lifts the bloods and draws it along his skin, deeper than normal. The number of cuts keep rising before he even gets to his other wrist. He holds the bloody rag up to his wrist. Jake noticed some of the blood dripping onto the floor, nothing the rag can't clean up. He quickly does his other wrist, doing the same thing like he did on the other, and quickly puts his stuff away and not forgetting to roll his sleeves down.

It was lunch right now so that gave Jake the chance to take a quick nap before Devon, Lexy, and Nadine's free period. Which they would probably come to his room to check up on him. Somehow, they were the only ones that had a free period, besides some girls and Trevor, and he's not even alive anymore. Jake lays down in his head, taking his insomnia pill, even though he shouldn't, and his melatonin gummy, he's not allowed to have either of those on him and his pill is for night time only. He lays down and falls asleep pretty quickly. Which doesn't happen very often.

"Is Jake seriously not here again?"
Lexy asked.

"Didn't he miss breakfast too?"
Nadine wondered, thinking back to six a.m.

"Yeah, he wasn't."
Devon answers.

"Is there something else wrong with him. Sick or not he shouldn't be skipping meals."
The ginger claims.

"I mean, we all have free period next, we can go in there and check on him?"
Lexy suggested, the other two agreeing to the idea.

  Lunch is over meaning their free period starts, they all throw away their trays and the trio goes up to his room. Knocking quickly and getting no answer, they barge in, seeing Jake asleep on his bed.

"Well, that's good."
Nadine says.

Devon walks up to Jake and carefully shakes him. "Hmm! Leave me alone!"
Jake grumbles drowsily, swatting at the other male and pulling the blanket over his head.

"Ok, we're good. He's alive."
Devon says, turning around.

"That's it?"
Lexy asked.

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