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They are all still in Incarnate Lord place. Also she doesn't die like in the photo, she just feels like she's dying.

I do want to say, you can take almost all of these Lexdine oneshots platonically if you don't ship it. I mean, unless it says "girlfriend" or they kiss. But otherwise, they can be completely platonic I don't mind!

POV: I'm projecting my problems onto fictional characters.

Nadine felt like she was dying. It was like a million knives and bullets shot into her stomach all at once, and this wasn't usual period cramps or whatever. She's already told Sister Catherine that she wouldn't be able to go to her classes today. Lexy was gone though, she was all by herself to her demise.

Nadine would get up to get medicine, if that had any for severe stomachaches like this. Last time she went, they only had Pepto Bismol and something for cramps. Which it didn't do anything but made her mouth taste like dog shit.

You could tell her to sleep it off but sleeping made all of her problems worse whenever she woke up, also, she just couldn't sleep in these conditions. She would like it if there was someone here with her at least; just to get her mind off of her stomach. As if she had magic, her hopes were answered, Lexy storming into the room.

"Hey, you weren't in 3rd period today, what's up?" The blonde questioned, panting, seeming like she ran a marathon.

"It's nothing. I just get these stomachaches that hurt really badly so I just stay in here and hope it gets better. And it never does."
Nadine explained.

"Is it period cramps or something. If it is, I have medicine that works really well."
Lexy claimed.

"No, I'm not on my period, appreciate the thought though."
The ginger said.

"Doesn't the nurse have medicine you can take?"
The girl asked.

"They do but none of it helps."
She sighed.

"Is there anything I can do?"
Lexy inquired, walking closer to the girl, her voice softer than usual.

"Not really. I mean, just talking to me and getting my mind off it wouldn't be too bad."
Nadine answered.

"Alright. What do you want to talk about?"
She demanded, sitting at the end of the bed.

"I don't know. How about you tell me about your classes today and maybe talk about Jake and Devon. Maybe some stories?"
The ginger wondered.

"Hmmm, ok. Today in this religion class we talked about Greek Mythology for some reason. I don't know if it was supposed to compare them to Jesus or just telling us what they represent."
Lexy rambled, eventually getting up and wandering around the room as she continued.

  And like that, Nadine's mind was blank. Completely forgetting about her stomachache, forgetting about classes and everything else. The only thing left in her mind was Lexy, and her voice when she was fixated on a story she was telling. It was her new favorite thing.

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