Your Scent

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Jake laid in bed, Devon asleep beside him. It was probably close to two a.m and the poor boy's insomnia wouldn't let him sleep. He laid awake in bed, just taking in the scent of the boy beside him. He fell asleep wearing a blue dark green sweater and some sweatpants. Somehow, Devon didn't change when they got home from grocery shopping like he usually does.

Jake wore one of Devon's oversized hoodies and shorts. The colors didn't match but they weren't going anywhere so why did it really matter? The whole room smelled like Devon, Jake basically drowning in the scent.

He was always obsessed with the way Devon naturally smelled. Not like Jake would ever tell him that though. It was practically the only thing he breathed. Especially smelling him in the morning. He makes breakfast, half awake and Jake walks up to him, hugging him from behind and kissing him on the neck. That's when the natural-Devon smell is the strongest. He could just get lost in it as he laid down next to him in bed.

Jake feels Devon shift to his side, holding the boy closer to him. Sometimes, he wished he could have more nights like this, laying down in bed in complete silence and just taking in their surroundings, the darkness with only one small light shining in the corner of their room, besides the moon peaking in through the window, the smell, the room being filled of sleepiness; hitting both of them. And the most important factor, the smell. Yeah, they usually had a candle lit by the tv but that's not the smell he's talking about.

Jake wishes to wake up in bed next to Devon every single day, just to see his sleepy, resting face shine in the sun. He smiles at that, their faces almost touching with how close they are to one another. Jake kisses Devon on the cheek, the sleeping boy mumbling something incoherent in response as he, again, moves. Devon lays on arm on top of Jake, their hands and fingers now intertwining.

Devon breathes heavily, giving Jake that sense of comfort that he's still there. They're both so obsessed with each other, not like any of them would admit to it. But deep down, they both know it's true. Lexy mentions it almost everyday, but when they just look at each other, they know they're the one.

"Love you." Jake breathes, gently grabbing his hand and kissing it.

"Mm love you." Devon mutters, almost in a whisper; very hard to hear.

Again, he softly smiled hearing that. Surprisingly, he started to get tired. Jake rubs his thumb on the center of Devon's hand, looking at him and his closed eyes. He lays closer to him, being able to smell his scent as he drifted off.

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