I Love You More

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  Jake and Devon were cuddled up against each other in bed. Close together, they take in each others' scent. A movie played in the background, they weren't paying much attention to it though. They were focused on each other, they watched as their hands slowly slipped together.

"I love you."
Devon says.

"I love you more."
Jake responds, sitting up and looking at the other in his eyes.

"That's not possible."

"Oh really?"

"Yes really. I love you so much, nothing could ever compare."

"Well, my love for you is bigger than the planet of Jupiter."

"What? That doesn't even make any sense."

"Yes it does. Do you not know how big Jupiter is?"

"True, but the sun is bigger. And I love you so much that not even the sun is big enough to show my love for you."

"I love you so much that all the the stars, planets and universes couldn't even compare."

"I love you so much that not even the earth exploding could keep us two worlds apart."

"But if the earth were to explode, we'd be dead."

"Not if we are on a piece of land that floats into space and brings us to a new planet. That we aren't on together. It's like, I'll be on mars and you're on Neptune or something. So, we'd be two worlds apart."
Devon explained.

"Yeah, makes sense."

"But I love you so much that I'd force the planet of Neptune to trade places with Saturn, Jupiter and the asteroid belt so we'd be able to talk."
Jake added.

"I love you so much that I'd jump from Mars to Neptune so we could kiss whenever we wanted."

"This story is getting a little too complexed."

"I know."

"I love you so much that all the stars wouldn't be enough."

"I love you so much that I'd sell myself to the aliens for you."

"I love you to infinity and beyond. I'll be your buzz lightyear to your woody."

"I'll be your shrek to your donkey."

"I'll be your SpongeBob to Patrick."

"I can be your Tom to your Jerry. Or your Jerry to your Tom, however you want it."

"I'll be your Robin to your Batman."

"I will be your Amy to your Sheldon."

"I'll be your Mike to your Will."

"Oh my god. So gay."

"I know."

"I guess there is no winner. We both love each other too much."

"But that's never a bad thing."
Jake claims, kissing him on the cheek.

"Now let's actually watch a movie this time."

"Ok, but I'd rather keep looking at you."

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