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We're just going to pretend that Nadine is still alive. Everyone is aged up so they live in apartments now. (Jake and Devon live together, Nadine and Lexy live together).

Lexy knocked on the door to her best friend's apartment, Nadine standing behind her. Devon answers and welcomes them in. Immediately, they see bowls of snacks sitting out, already prepared with two air mattresses in the living room, facing the tv.

"Holy shit."
Lexy comments.

"You guys didn't need to do all of this!"
Nadine states.

"We know. It's the first sleepover we're having in this very apartment room so we wanted it to be special." Jake explains, walking out of the bathroom.

"You guys just moved in and got everything unpacked!"
Lexy claimed.

Devon confusingly agrees.

"Anyways. We got your favorites. We got a bowl of m&ms, trolli's, sour patch kids, chocolates, chips and of course, popcorn. Also we got a ton of pop, milk, chocolate and strawberry milk and water."
The curly haired male listed, pointing at random bowls as he talked.

"Also in this closet we got extra pillows and blankets if you need it."
Devon says, opening the closet in the hallway.

Hours flew by with the four of them playing board games, it was already dark out. Jake and Lexy claimed their mattresses for them and their significant others to share; almost starting an argument over it. Everyone grabs their snacks and drinks then they take turns picking out movies.

"So are we having another competition?"
Asked Lexy.

"What kind of competition?"
Jake raised a brow.

"Like what we always do! The all nighter!"
The blonde ejaculated.

"Oh yeah, always. We will never NOT do that." Devon nodded.

Lexy picked Thirteen out for the first movie, then, Jake chose Heathers, Devon chose the conjuring, and Nadine was already asleep by then. After that, Lexy just chose all the movies like New York Minute, Girl Interrupted and Clueless as the other couple cuddled. Devon falling asleep in the middle of Girl Interrupted. Leaving just Lexy and Jake in the competition.

It's now 2:43 am. Jake picked out another movie, the Breakfast Club. They both snacked on candies and glared at each other for what felt like most of the night. It slowly got colder in the complex. Jake got up to get Devon a blanket since he was visibly shivering in his sleep.

"So, what do you want to do now?"
Jake sighed.

"I want you to go to sleep."
Lexy claimed.

"Absolutely not."
Disagreed the brown eyed boy, taking a handful of m&ms and shoving them in his mouth.

"Ok well, your movie is over."
She commented.

"Alright. I'll put on Edward Scissorhands."
Jake confirmed, grabbing the remote and glowered at Lexy.

It was so close to four am but, Lexy couldn't keep her eyes open anymore. She slipped next to Nadine on the air mattress, taking the blanket and covering herself and cuddling her finger girlfriend before falling asleep. Making Jake the winner...again.

He could stay up all night but he already knew that he was going to be the last one awake so when he realized he won, he recorded a quick video, showing him and everyone else sleeping, before laying down next to Devon himself and going to sleep.

  The next morning, Jake woke up at 11:00. As expected, he was the last to be awake. He sees them all in the kitchen talking, he gets up with his blanket wrapped around him and he waddles towards his boyfriend. Jake wraps his arms around him, his head falling into his back.

"Good morning, babe."
Devon greeted, flipping the pancake on the pan.

Jake grumbled, sleepily.

"Does he usually cling to you in the mornings?" Asked Lexy.

"Oh yeah, always."
Devon claims.

  After a moment, Jake finally stops clinging to him to use the bathroom. When he gets back, they are all sitting down and eating. There's a plate with three pancakes and syrup across from Devon. He sits down and enjoys his breakfast with the rest of them. Everyone laughs and smiles as they talk and spend time together. They all clean up the messes in the living room and now it's time for Lexy and Nadine to go.

The ending was insanely rushed lol.

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