Sick Day

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They are a little older in this. They're not adults or anything but their like 16. Which isn't too much older than the canon age. Also I made Nadine an author because it just fits her.

  It hasn't been a good day for either of the boys. They both laid in bed, cuddling in a sick mess. Coughs, sneezes and sniffles traded between the two with a humid, stuffy, sickness feeling filling the air. It really started with Devon. He stuck around with Lexy while she was sick, taking care of her since Nadine was busy with an important essay for her literature class; she wants to be an author. Then the sickness went to Devon and there they are now. They laid in a comfortable silence, messing with each other's hair. Until they both got a text message.

| Lexy: Hey where are you
guys? We haven't seen you at
school today?

| Nadine: Yeah. We're worried
about you. It's not like either
of you to miss school without
texting us or something!!

| Jake: We're alright. Just sick.

| Devon: AND cuddling. 🥰

*Devon sends a picture of them in
bed, Jake's arms wrapped around him*

Both boys ignore whatever messages they got and put their phones back on the nightstands, then they go right back to cuddling. Once again, they laid in a comfortable silence, their legs tangled in one another. Drowsiness taking over the air of sickness; their eyes heavy. They didn't fight sleep, it's what they needed. So like that, they fell asleep, not moving a muscle.

After a few hours, Jake wakes up to Devon shaking him. He doesn't open his eyes, just mumbles and hums as his boyfriend helps him sit up. Jake's eyes now slowly flutter open, but only half way.

"Come on babe, you can go back
to sleep after taking medicine."
Devon said, waving the pill in front
of his face. Jake attempting to hide under
the covers and mumbling.

He sighs,
"Ok. I'll just give you your
medicine when you wake up."

  Devon sets the pill on a nightstand, then gets back in bed. He hears Jake's sniffles and coughs from under the comforter. He feels his forehead, still really warm. He feels his own forehead, also warm. Usually, they would want to get better as soon as possible but knowing that they could still give each other kisses and touching each other, it didn't matter to them anymore. Plus, no school. What more could they really want? As Devon is laying in bed, wide awake and thinking, he feels hands slither around his waist, pulling him close. His body getting warmer  with another touching; snuggling and cuddling into him.

"M'good morning sunshine."
He greeted, his eyes barely open.

"Sweetie, it's like seven pm. The
sun is literally setting right now."
The shorter male claims.

"It is? Well, in that case I'm
going to make some pizza rolls."
He says, getting out of bed and stretching.

"Not until you take your medicine. I tried
waking you up but you just wouldn't cooperate,
so I sat your pill on your nightstand."
Devon explained, Jake pouted.

"Come on, you need it to feel better."
He stated.

"Ok fine."
The curly haired male whined.

"Make me some pizza rolls too, please!"
Devon yelled as Jake exited the room.

  Then the next day, they were feeling a lot better, no stuffy or runny noses, no dry throat that made them cough all day and no more fever. They went back to school and spent most of the day catching up on all their work, with the help of Lexy and Nadine of course.

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