Morning Kisses

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Jake woke up early in the morning, his body still clinging onto the other. He could barely reach his phone but when he looked at it, the time said 6:49 am. Fuck, it was going to be a long morning. He sat his phone back down and cuddled into Devon; who was still sleeping. Jake gave him a small peck on the cheek, then again on the forehead and more and more; all while his eyes were still heavy of sleep.

  Devon shifted in his sleep, whining, and muttering incoherent words. Though, the darker skinned boy had a sleepy attempt in pushing him away, Jake went right back to kissing him all over the face. He hummed in his ear and messed with his short hair. Jake wanted to go back to sleep himself, despite how early it was, he knew he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. Even in Devon's arms.

He could feel him shift in his sleep again after feelings another kiss on the nose.

"M'five more minutes Jake.."
Devon grumbled.

"Aww but I'm bored!"
Jake stated, attempting to tease the
other, who was snoring again.

"Come on bae! I'll make your favorite
breakfast and we can cuddle while watching
true crime documentaries all day!"
The curly headed boy offered. He finally
opened his eyes.

"Ok whatever."
Devon whined, sitting up and leaning into Jake.

"Awww sleepyhead's finally awake!"
He responded, grinning as he rubbed
the other's back.

"Don't call me that."

"Ok sleepyhead. I'll go make your breakfast now." Jake said, getting out of bed and kissing Devon's forehead.

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