Baking With You

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  This is kind of like a part 2 to Jake and Devon's date but it doesn't have to be. So if you haven't read that yet it's fine you probably didn't miss anything lol. The AUs are still the same though. Nadine is alive and they all live with Ms. Fairchild.

It was another one of those times where Jake and Devon were left by themselves at night. Ms. Fairchild went out with a few work friends, such as other teachers, and Nadine and Lexy went to the carnival. Which probably isn't a good idea for them to be alone but that wasn't a worry to the boys right now. Devon gets out the baking ingredients that he bought while Jake sat on the kitchen counter.

"What kind of brownie mix did you get?"
Asked the curly headed male.

"I got this Oreo kind. It sounds good and I know you like Oreos."
Devon answered, holding up the box and showing it to him.

"Never heard of that. They look fucking delicious though!"
Jake exclaimed, admiring the box.

  There wasn't much talking after that. Lana Del Rey and Queen played on the Alexa while they took turns putting ingredients into the bowl. Jake somehow getting eggs all over the counter and shell in the batter. Luckily, Devon was a baking professional, or so he claimed to be one, and cleaned up the mess.

  Devon is the one to pour the batter into the pan, as Jake licks the utensils they used to mix everything together, he also gets the bowl. Devon gets the other utensil and the spoon.

  Letting the brownies bake, Jake, romantically, pulls Devon close to him and they dance to the song playing. Occasionally taking breaks to check the brownies or using the bathroom, then just go right back to dancing in the kitchen. The couple leans into a soft but passionate kiss. Devon breaks the kiss to check the brownies, they're now done.

  After they cool, he brings them to their bedroom, Jake already on the bed with the laptop open. He got out the boxes of Little Debbie brownies from the drawer, keeping them hidden so Nadine wouldn't eat them all.

  Devon slithered next to Jake, practically clinging onto him now. The taller male scattering to find a movie to watch.

"What do you want to watch?"
Asked Devon.

"Maybe Thirteen, Lexy talks about it a lot and she said it's her favorite movie. I don't know where to watch it though."
Jake claimed.

"Isn't that movie like really inappropriate though?" Questioned the dark skinned male.

"I don't know. Oh well."
The other shrugged.

"Oh! We can watch it on HBO!"
Jake added.

Devon said, leaning back into the pillows.

"We should watch Heathers after this."
The brown eyed male suggested.

"Yes! Then Beetlejuice!"
Devon exclaimed.

"Oh my god yes! We are going to have the best movie night ever!"
Jake confirmed, throwing his arms up in excitement.

"With all these brownies, nobody will ever have a better movie marathon."
The shorter male commented.

  Then, they watched their movies as they huddled closely together, their arms and legs stretched and intertwined. Too occupied watching their movies or admiring each other. They didn't even realize they forgot to turn off the music until they were asleep and Lexy woke them up when her and Nadine got one from the carnival.

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