You're Perfect

232 4 1

Triggers: Eating Disorder, Fainting

"Jake, you haven't eaten anything all day, I'm starting to get worried."
Devon claimed, standing behind the boy in the chair; messing with his hair.

"I'll be alright, I had ate a lot for dinner last night. I'm just not hungry."
Jake explained, laying his head down on the table; mumbling.

"If you say so. I just don't want your blood sugar to get really low and pass out. Just please eat something sometime today."
He says, kissing his cheek and walking away.

"I'll try."
He replied, lifting his head up and rubbing his eyes.

  It's been hours and still Devon hasn't seen Jake enter the kitchen to get anything to eat. He hasn't had anything to drink either. This happens sometimes. Where Jake would refuse to eat or sink anything, then the next day, he wouldn't leave the kitchen. But it hasn't ever gotten this bad, he usually eats at least something small. Devon can't focus on his book anymore, his thought about Jake flooding his mind. He puts the book mark in his book and sets it on the coffee table before looking at Jake.

"Hey, have you ate anything today?"
He asked, worriedly and concerned.

"No, I haven't been hungry."
Jake claimed, not taking his eyes off his phone while he mumbled. He never did that unless he was embarrassed or feeling under the weather, or if he was out in public and talking to people he didn't feel all that comfortable with.

"Are you feeling ok? Is there a reason why you haven't eaten today?"
Devon questions, tilting his head.
"You never mumble when you're talking to me unless you feel sick or humiliated."

"I'm fine! I'm just not hungry, I'll eat when I feel like it!"
He exclaims, having a sudden outburst and getting defensive. Jake shoved his phone in his pocket and gets off the couch, stumbling.
He murmurs, knowing exactly what's happening.

  Everything is spinning and he feels dizzy.  It's like, his head is too heavy for his body to hold up. As Jake's vision blurs he can make out on thing, Devon is freaking out. At least, he thinks he is. Suddenly, he falling. His eyes closing as he quickly drifts off; like he was falling asleep.

"Fuck! Jake!"
Devon yells, attempting to catch him as he toppled over. Luckily, he fell back onto the couch.

"What do I do? What do I do?"
He asked himself, remembering something his mom told him years ago.

  Devon rushed to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water and the ice cube tray out the freezer. He's never had to wake someone up after they've passed out before but he knows his mom has done this several times, so she couldn't be wrong. He makes sure to grab some snack as well, something Jake would eat.

  He's now back in the living room, laying Jake onto his back on the couch. Devon grabs the water bottle, panicking as he opened it. He grabs the boy's chin, forcing his mouth open to pour some water for him to digest. Devon knows the boy needs it. He continues to panic, seconds feeling like minutes, and minutes feeling likes hours before Jake opens his eyes; breathing heavily.

"What happened?"
Jake asked, quickly sitting up; immediately regretting it as he felt lightheaded still.

"You passed out! This is why you need to eat!"
Devon explained, sighing in relief as he gets off the floor and sits next to him.

"I'm sorry. I just hate the way I look and sometimes it affects my eating. I just felt insecure today and I just, lost my appetite."
He said, fiddling with his fingers as he mumbled embarrassingly.

"It's alright but you need to tell me if you feel like this. I understand it's hard for you to eat sometimes but you can't starve yourself, hun. I'm your boyfriend, I care about you deeply and I would never judge you or ever try to make you feel this way or belittle you. I love you."
The other boy lectured, kissing his cheek softly before grabbing the snack he sat on the coffee table.

"I love you."
Jake smiled, resting his head on Devon's shoulder.

"Do you know why you've been feeling like this? Have I done something or are other people making you feel this way?"
Devon asked.

He shrugs.
"I don't know. It's just, I think you deserve so much better than being with someone like me. I have so many mental problems, I'm difficult, I talk way too much and I'm just a lot to handle. You deserve so much more than me."
Jake said.

He sadly sighed.
"You're perfect."
Devon claims, grabbing his chin and making Jake look at him.
"You're difficult but there's nothing wrong with that. You like things to be a certain way. I mean, you aren't careless. You put in the effort to make sure it's perfect. I don't think that's a bad thing. And you being mentally ill shouldn't mean that I love you any less. I love hearing your voice when you talk, like when you ramble about something random. You're passionate. But you're right, I deserve to have someone like you to make my days better."
He rambled, smiling and looking at him in the eyes as he spoke.

Jake blushed, avoiding contacting with him.
"Ok, shut up now."

"What? You don't like it when I talk about my love gift you?"
Devon asked, teasingly.

"No I hate it! It's embarrassing!"
The curly haired boy exclaimed, hiding his face.

"Aww. But why do you hate it, darling?"
He wondered.

"Just stop it now!" Jake grumbled.
"You like seeing me embarrassed, don't you?"

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't. I think we both know the answer to that."
Devon smirked.
"Now eat. You're going to eat either you like it or not. I'll force feed you if I have too."

"Ugh. Alright fine."

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