Why Doesn't She Like Me?

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Trigger Warnings: Self Harm, Suicide Attempt

Oh yeah, more angst!! Take this while I work on something REALLY big.

"I'm sorry, but I don't like you like that. I only really see you as a really close friend; or a sister maybe." She says.

  Boom. Lexy's whole life is over. There isn't anyone she's liked as much as her. She's never been so attracted and attached to someone, it felt wrong letting her go like this. She was already depressed. Her mom never paid any attention to her, just criticized and judged her for everything. Neglectful. Just the glass child and there, Caroline, the spoiled, golden child. Complete opposites.

  She needed some sort of escape. Smoking weed, doing drugs. Burning and cutting herself. Those were the main things. Lexy wanted to forget about everything. Her shitty, self centered mom, her spoiled ass sister, her dead dad, how shitty she used to be, how upset her friends would be if she actually went through with it. And Nadine.

  She wanted to forget about it all, she wanted to forget how painful her life is and to be in another in her mind. Lexy was already depressed and not in a good place, Nadine rejecting her, was just the last push.

  Lexy took out the bottles of vodka she hid in her room, she drank and drank and smoked and smoked. Just until she couldn't feel anything. She looked out her window, she saw the tallest building, standing there in the sky, overshadowing all the buildings in its path. Then, she climbed out her window.

  Lexy doesn't know how she made it so far. Frankly, not everybody knows how hard it is to be a teenage girl. To be 13, 14, 15, to now, 16 and finally doing something she's planned for years. After writing many, many notes, she isn't stepping down tonight. Lexy snuck into the building, climbing the stairs and using elevators, just to get to the roof.

"Hey, have you heard from Lexy?"
Devon asked.

"Nope, nothing since earlier today."
Jake answered. Both their phones buzzed.

"Guys! Check your alerts!"

It was Nadine, they both open their alerts on their phones. "Teenage girl on roof of the tallest building in Hackensack." It was Lexy. Lexy was in trouble.

  The boys only take one glance at each other before running out the door and into the streets. It was the middle of the night. Luckily they don't live far from this building. Just a little longer.

  Nadine knew this was her fault. She didn't know this was going to happen. She didn't think Lexy would go the extra mile. Nadine felt really guilty, was she a horrible person?

  Lexy couldn't take this anymore. The cops and ambulance were at the bottom of the building, just waiting for her to jump. She doesn't want to be saved. When she did but nobody helped, everyone left her to drown. Now, it's too late.

Soon enough, the three make it to the building where Lexy was at. Jake and Devon can't move, they can only stare up at her and prays she won't jump. Nadine doesn't waste any time to run in, Lexy saved her life before, now it's time she saves hers.

"Lexy, please! Don't jump!"
Jake screams, it's hard to understand what he said, his voice wobbly and breaking. Devon holds him close.

Lexy doesn't want to do this to them but there really wasn't another choice. She's already here. Why step down now? Her mascara rubs down her face and turning red. Eyes puffy from the crying. There's nothing left for her. Everyone around her dies, the love of her life doesn't love her, Jake and Devon don't ask her about her day or if she's ok. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care.

"Lexy, don't do this please!"
Devon begs.

Lexy shakes her head. Why would they care now? She's about to fall over the edge, but someone grabs her wrist and pulls her back. The boys huff in relief; she made it in time.

"Lexy, come on. Don't do this to yourself."
Nadine says.

"Why do you care? Nobody fucking loves me! My parents are dead, my sister has been missing for a year, you don't love me, Jake and Devon don't love me. Nobody fucking cares! Nobody asks how my day was, nobody asks if I'm feeling ok, nobody asks me what's wrong when I'm visibly crying in front of them! There's nothing else for me, Nadine. Now please, just let me have my moment!"
Lexy rants.

"I can't let you do that. Do you think we would've came here if we didn't care about you? Would I have ran up all those stairs if I wanted you to die? You need to talk to us, talk to me! I will always be there for you if you need it. You were never a burden to me, even if all your drug problems! I was glad I got at least someone to quit."
The ginger claims.

Lexy just stares at her. She has nothing left to say. No response. Lexy just pushes her away and backs to the edge again.

"I'm so sorry, Nadine. I love you."
She says, just before falling backward off the building.

Nadine screams, looking over the ledge as her hand dangles down the building. Her scream was so loud the whole city could probably hear her.

Jake and Devon scream and cry in fear, worry, and sadness. The police, ambulance and other rescuers get ready with their parachute, net thing. Nobody really knows what it's called. Lexy lands in the parachute, knocked out and probably has minor injuries but at least she's likely alive.

The next morning in the hospital, the three are in the room, waiting for her to wake up. When she does, Nadine is there, holding her hand. They were all crying, she can tell.

Nadine exclaims, alarming Devon and waking Jake up. He rubs his eyes as he sees the blonde sitting up.

"Lexy! Are you okay? Do you need something to eat?"
The curly haired boy asks, rubbing up to her bed.

"I'm alright, I'm not really hungry right now."
She mumbles in reply.

"Why. Why did you do it?"
Devon demands.

"I don't want to talk about it. Especially not right now."
She says, her face dropping.

"I just don't get it. Lexy, you are our best friend and really important to us, if you need to talk we're all here. We will never judge you."
Jake claims.

"I know that, but I really just can't right now."
Lexy whines.

"Well, the nurses told us how they found scars on your arms and thighs. Lexy, are you...hurting yourself?"
Jake recalls.

"And they said they found alcohol and nicotine in your system. They told us you were drunk."
Devon confirms.

"Guys, can we please talk about this later, this isn't something I'm ready to have a conversation about yet."
Lexy replies.

"Well, one of the police officers, I think, said that they were going to send a therapist or physiologist or someone for you to talk to after you woke up. Which, it'll probably be later today or tomorrow."
Nadine informs.

The blonde sighs,
"Yay. Sounds great."

They all get into a big hug before Jake and Devon leave to go get some breakfast. Now it's just Lexy and Nadine, alone in a room. But they just stay silent. There wasn't anything to talk about between them. Ok, maybe there was but they weren't going to bring it up so soon.

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