Jevon Headcanons

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I don't know how I haven't done this yet!!
Also unfortunately_here07  helped me come up with some of these!!

-Devon is really sensitive like behind his ears so Jake will kiss him there all the time just to mess with him.

-Jake is little spoon and Devon is big spoon (MOST of the time!)

-Devon gets butterflies in his stomach when Jake does his VERY awkward smile, eye contact, and sudden kisses or hugs

-Jake was Devon's gay awakening

-Jake gets butterflies when Devon simply touches him, body tracing, back hugs, compliments and light neck kisses

-Devon plays with Jake's hair ALL of the time. It's a habit at this point.

-It's almost embarrassing how easily Jake gets flustered.

-They're literally so obsessed with each other. Always on top of each other

-Jake talks ALL of the time and Devon will listen every single time

-Jake has insomnia and it's really hard for him to sleep most nights. When his medication isn't working or he just doesn't have it, Devon will cuddle him and just talk to him and tell him stories or will read to him. Somehow, Devon's voice soothes him to sleep.

-Jake is always cold while Devon isn't, but he isn't hot all the time either.

-While Devon has a thing for playing with Jake's hair, Jake likes to rub Devon's back.

-They never really do anything "heated" maybe they've made out a few times but it wasn't anything ever too intense.

-Every time they get into an argument, Lexy is almost ALWAYS the one to fix it.

-When Devon is asleep, Jake will play quiet music to help him fall asleep and Devon will have to turn it off when he wakes up.

-Devon is a morning person, he's almost never up later than 8:30 and asleep later than midnight. But Jake is the opposite. He usually wakes up after 10:30-11:00 and he's asleep at like 2:00-4:00

-Devon cooks all the time. He knows how too and he actually enjoys cooking for Jake.

-Devon makes himself some tea in the morning and will make Jake his coffee

-Jake is always really clingy, it's not often when Devon is though

-Jake is sick at least 2 times a month. He has a very weak immune system. Devon doesn't.

-They pick out outfits for each other all of the time

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