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  This is inspired off of another Chucky fanfic writer. They made theirs a year ago though. So credits to them!! (I don't know their username sorry..) also I saw this thing where they would put different situations.. so I'm going to try that kinda... idk. You'll see.

-Nobody besides Jake's dad has died, Chucky doesn't exist in this universe!!

Trigger Warning: Smoking, Weed
You have been warned!!

"No! Jake, you don't need to smoke!"
Devon protested.

"But I want too!"
Jake whines.

"It's not going to kill him if he does it one time!" Lexy claimed.

"Come on Jake, have a little fun."
She said, holding a joint out for Jake to grab.

He takes it.
"Are you serious?"
Devon asks.

"Jake, my parents are going to fucking kill you if they find out!"
Junior sighed.

"Well, they won't find out. It's a sleepover, I'm not going home high."
Jake laughed.

"I see you, Wheeler!"
Oliver cheered.

They get into a small circle around the table. Junior and Devon watching.

"Ok roll your joints bitches!!"
Lexy exclaimed.

  It didn't take them long until they were all high. Junior took control of Lexy and Oliver, who weren't even that high to begin with. Devon sat down on the couch, regretting ever agreeing to come over here. After Jake finished his blunt, he stumbles over to Devon and sits next to him.

"Hey do you want to hear a really funny joke? It made Junior laugh!"
Jake asks.

It's true. While they were still smoking, Jake, who was somehow already high, said something that Devon, himself couldn't hear but he saw Junior chuckle a little so he just assumed it was something really stupid about boobs or something.

"Uhm.. sure.."
Devon knew he'd regret that choice.

"Oooh! oh my god!! Did you hear that Conan Gray is on tour again?"
Jake exclaims.

"We should order tickets like right now!"
He adds, pulling out his phone.

"With what money?"
Devon asked.

"I don't know. But we should go!"
The curly haired boy yells, attempting to type something about Conan's concert tickets into Safari. Obviously he messed up every word.

"I could hear Family Line live, and Summer Child. And he holds up pride flags during People Watching."
Jake was now crying into his chest.

"Shhh. It's okay. We'll go. I'll order tickets in the morning."
Devon comforted. He knew he wasn't actually going to buy tickets, he doesn't have any money! He just said that to make him feel better.

But the next thing he knew, Jake's body went limp on his. He fell asleep. Smelling like weed and smoke. His mouth hanging open and occasional snoring.


If you were in the fandom last year then you know that everybody made like Jake, Devon, Lexy, Junior and Oliver live together and stuff. Well this is the same thing. Except that Nadine is living with them and Junior and Oliver are out of the picture. So, pretend she lived. And if they're living together just know that they are like 17-19.

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