Surprise Cat

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!F slur used! Not in an offensive way but I thought I'd mention that!! And I can reclaim that slur, if I wasn't able to say it I wouldn't put it in the book!

Jake and Devon recently moved into their first house together, but it felt like something was missing. They had all their things the way they liked it but it still felt so empty. Then Devon got the idea of a pet. He isn't much of a cat person, but he knew Jake would love it.

So, he picked up Lexy and they drove to the pet store while Jake was taking a nap, which doesn't happen too often. They rushed into Petco, getting everything they needed, plus toys and storage things to keep things organized. Lexy picked out most of the things and Devon just took them, not knowing much about cats and animals in general.

Now, it's time to look at the cats, Lexy grabbed a pink cage, that was a decent size, and handed it to Devon before taking the cart with everything in it away from him. He looked through every box before making a decision. He found a tiny black cat with one hazel eye and a bright blue eye, he knew that was the one for Jake.

Devon found out from a employee that it was only a few weeks old and he was sure he had to take her then. He filled out all the paperwork he needed before paying and heading out with Lexy.

"Ok, I'm not much of a cat person but she's so cute!" Lexy stated, looking at her through the cage.

"I'm so excited to bring her home! Jake is going to fucking love her!"
Devon said.

"Do you have any idea what you're going to call her yet?"
She asked.

"Not yet, I think I'm going to let Jake decide, he could come up with way better names for her."
He replied.

Soon enough, they made it back to their new house. Lexy took the kitten out of the cage and held her gently, slightly hiding her so Jake wouldn't know immediately.

When they came inside, they saw Jake in the kitchen, making a cup of coffee with his hair a mess. Him wearing a tank top and some baggy sweatpants.

"Hey babe!"
Devon greeted.

"Morning Dev, where were you?"
He asked, it was clear that he just woke up.

"Just went out to run some errands with Lexy."
He responds, trying to not give away the surprise.

Lexy says, poking out her arm and her head, Jake just waving to her.

"Anyways, I have a surprise for you!"
Devon exclaims.

"A surprise?"

"Yeah, Lexy, you can come out now."
He says.

Lexy walks out with the black kitten in her arms, Jake's face immediately changing from confusion to excitement and taking the cat away from the blonde.

"Oh my god. You didn't."

"But I did! I felt like our house just needed something more."

"It's so cute! What's it's name?"
Jake requested.

"I wanted you to choose the name, and it's a her." Devon clarified.

"Did you get stuff for her? Like food and a litter box?"
He asked.

"Of course I did! It's all in the car."

"Actually we did, I helped pick out the stuff."
Lexy interrupted.

"Of course, Lexy did help with most of it."

Jake put the kitten down and let it explore around the house while Devon and Lexy brought the bags in. There was food, bowls, litter, the litter box, toys and others.

"What do you think you're going to name her?" Devon asked.

"I'm thinking, Salem."
Jake says.

"I think it's pretty fitting. You're last cat was named off of Binx from Hocus Pocus. And you're both into that creepy shit."
Lexy comments.

"Yeah, I like it."
The darker skinned boy replies.

"You do?"

"Yeah I do."

Jake and Devon lean in for a kiss while Lexy, respectfully, looks away.

"Ok well, you fags have fun, I got to get back to my girl and she's picking me up while she's on her writing break."
The blonde says, looking away from her phone of text messages.

"Ok cya later fag!"
Jake waves.

"Yep, bye."
Devon responds.

And Jake spent literally the rest of the day playing with Salem and running all over the house with her.

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