Synced Hearts

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  Jake and Devon laid in their shared bed. It was only their third night at Ms. Fairchild's house and they've already had to fight him again. It was clear that Rachel and Lexy had fallen asleep so it was only them two.

"How are we always the last ones awake?"
Devon giggled a bit.

"I don't know. But you usually don't stay up late." Jake claimed, turning to look at the other male.

"I know, but I just want to see you. We've been fighting with Chucky nonstop and we just haven't really had any moments to ourselves."
He explains, the other nodding in agreement.

There was only silence between the two after that.
"I can hear my heart beating."
Jake claimed.

Devon asked, confused.

"I can hear my heart beating! Listen!"
He exclaims, chuckling a bit as the shorter teen puts his ear against the other's chest.

"No, I don't hear it."
Devon says, smiling a bit.

Jake does the same thing, putting his head against the other's chest.
"I can hear yours too, and it's beating pretty fast!"

"Are you sure you aren't messing with me?"
He asked, covering up his face as he blushed.

"I'm sure."

"I thought you had like really shitty hearing?"
Devon questioned.

"I do not! My ears are just really clogged."
Jake explained.

"Uh huh. Sure."

"Hey! You just don't want to admit that we're so in love that our hearts are synched."

"That is not true! Besides, you never said our hearts were synched! And since when did you study human anatomy? Especially the cardiovascular system!" Devon exclaimed, smiling in disbelief.

"I don't. I looked at some of your papers when you had that class and that's how I found out about it. Our hearts have been synched for a very long time, Devon."
Jake smiled.

"Mhm. Sure they were."
He responded, now facing away from him as his voice sounded drowsy.

"Are you going to sleep now?"

"Take a wild guess."

"Come on, Devon! Don't leave me awake by myself!" Jake pouted.

"Mkay fine. But if I'm sleepy in the morning you're to blame."
Devon grumbled, sitting up and scooting closer to Jake; their shoulders touching.

"I'm ok with that."
The other smiled, wrapping his arm around him.

"So, if our hearts have really been synched for so long, when did you first notice it?"

Jake stayed silent for a minute, like he was trying to come up with an answer.
"When we kissed for the first time."

"Do you knew for that long but you never cared to tell me until now?"
Devon asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion but slightly blushing.

"I don't know. It just seemed silly and stupid? And you know how awkward I used to be."
He laughed.

"Yeah, you were pretty awkward. But I thought that was cute."
The darker skinned boy claims, smiling as he giggled.

Jake blushed, hiding his face in the thick blanket. "Don't say things like that! It's embarrassing!"

"It's so adorable when you get all flustered."
Devon replied, rubbing Jake's shoulder.

"Shut up! I'm not adorable! If anyone is adorable it's you."
He smiles, uncovering his red face.

The other blushed a bit, smiling sheepishly at the compliment.
"You don't even know how amazing you are, Jake. You're perfect. I love every single thing about you, there isn't anything I could not love about you."

"Devon, I should be the one saying these things about you! I'm literally obsessed with you, I couldn't imagine a day without you in my life."
Jake responds, locking hand with him and rubbing his thumb on back of Devon's hand.

"I love you so much, Jake."
He smiles, laying his head on Jake's shoulder.

"I love you more, Dev."
The other says, leaning against him.

"That's not possible."
Devon laughs, holding the boy's hand.

"You're right, it's not. Because we love each other equally."
Jake claims, rubbing his thumb on the back of Devon's hand.

"Ok fine, we love each other equally."
He said, yawning a bit.

"Yes we do."
Jake smiled, kissing Devon's cheek.

"Can you still hear my heartbeat?"
Devon asked.

The other nods.
"It's beating pretty fast."
Jake kissed his temple.

"Alright, go to sleep now. It's almost four a.m."
The dark skinned claims.

"Hm, you're lucky I love you."
Jake mutters, wrapping his arms around Devon.

Devon grins, messing with Jake's hair.
"I love you too, Jake."

I had such a hard time ending this for some reason and it's been in my drafts for like a month now.

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