Randomness #6

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-Jake is insanely good at giving massages and just works well with his hands in general. (Working on a oneshot about this.)

-When Jake and Devon couldn't see each other those 6 months, or when they can't see each other any other normal day, they FaceTime. If one of them isn't at the other's house, they're sleeping on FaceTime (I actually got a oneshot of this)

-Devon will probably make the best pancakes anyone has ever ate in their life.

-Lexy makes so many transition videos and will sometimes have Jake or Devon in them.

-Junior used to be Lexy's test subject for makeup but after he died, Jake and Devon became her test subjects for makeup. (Unknown13454 / unfortunately_here07  Same person, came up with this)

-Jake is also really good at doing nails so Lexy and Devon are kinda like his nail test subjects

-Devon is really good at poetry and will say something poetic to Jake and he'll be all flustered
(Unknown13454 / unfortunately_here07  made this up too and said he has "poetic rizz")

-Devon is good at Math and Social
Jake is good at Art and Science
Lexy is good at Language Arts and
And they help each other out in their other classes so they can pass and not get held back

-They're all Melanie Martinez stans igaf

-Jake and Lexy are SO homophobic towards each other

-Lexy calls Jake and Devon "Gay whores" "homos" anything of the sort anytime they do ANYTHING together

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