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This is NOT meant to sexualize the characters/actors, romanticize, fetish or glamorize the movie at all! This is only for entertainment purposes and do not commit these actions in real life!

Daniel is Evie in this story and also a random character I made up. Jake is Tracy

No Chucky AU!! Everyone is still alive and Jake and Devon are in the talking stage. Let's pretend Jake's dad is really cool and totally not a dick. 😀

(you do NOT have to listen to it but if you do I prefer listening to it  in the order I put it in!)


"Damn, didn't think it was so hard to believe."
Jake says before walking out the room, closing the door behind him.

  The next day after school, Daniel comes over, not for the first time though. They just hang out in Jake's room and talks to Junior when they see each other around the house.

"Ok, who do you have a crush on?"
Daniel asks.

"Oh my god, Daniel! It's my second day here! I don't know!"
Jake yells, embarrassed.

He just gives him a stare.
"Ok fine, Devon Evans has been catching my eye since I got here."
Jake claims.

"I knew it! I see the way you look at him. You're totally in love."

"Shut up! It's only my second day, I'm not in love!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."
Daniel jokes.

It was silent for a little bit, they just stared at each other.
Jake questioned.

"Want to walk down to the gas station?"
The other boy asked.

"Let's go."

"Hey whoever's over there, Daniel and I are walking down to the gas station!"
Jake yells as they leave the house.

It was close to a ten minute walk to get there, it was close to the school and they could walk to school if they really wanted to. Not many people were on the roads because adults are likely at work. When they enter the station, nobody was in there, not even a cashier was behind the counter. Jake walks up to the counter and takes a few packs of cigarettes and shoved them into his bag, grabbing some lighters as well before going to the back of the gas station, where Daniel went.

"What are you getting?"
Jake asked.

"Probably a monster and a pack of beer."
Daniel said.

"Well, there's cigarettes up there if you want some. Nobody is at the register right now."
He claims.

"Really? Okay, hold these for me real quick."
The other boy says as he hands him two monsters and a pack of beer and rushing up to the front.

He sees him quickly grab two packs and some lighters and running back.
"Ok, I'm good, let's go." Daniel says and they rush out the gas station.

Back in Jake's room, they somehow manage to sneak the beers up to his room. It was a Friday night and Daniel was going to be spending the night!

"How do these work anyways?"
Jake asks, looking at one of the Newport cigarettes he stole earlier.

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