174 - Worried Citizens

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Despite losing his position all of the sudden, the former city lord were full of smile.

The said man face Cole and said, "Congratulations master for acquiring the Towering Tree City. Although this doesn't have any significance, I now wholeheartedly gave my position to you." He then bow to show some courtesy.

"Now, master, please excuse me, I have to prepare and leave the city at once."

Cole nodded his head in understanding.

"But before you go, please ask all the personnel of the city to gather in this mansion."

"That's easy, I'll do it at once."

The former city lord then swirl and leave the room.

The man truly do what Cole ask but the moment he finish it, he immediately start to pack.

In fact, it wasn't just a simple packing, it was literally ransacking. Without putting Cole's face, the former city lord empty the whole lord's mansion resources.

It didn't escape Cole's eyes but he didn't bother to stop it. Eventhough he's confident that Pirro didn't ask him to do this but just do it on his own accord, Cole consider the pillaging of the former city lord as an act of cleaning the traces of the empire. It wasn't his in the first place so he didn't mind much the action of the city lord.

However, eventhough he didn't say and do anything, Cole's impression to the former city lord have one turn into negative. And not just simply negative but negative with four figures. After all, the resources of the whole city is not just the property of the city lord but it was also the citizen's property.

Fatty finish his pillaging when all the personnel of the Towering Tree City arrived at the city mansion. The latter didn't pay them any mind and literally show to the whole crowd that he's leaving the city along with his family.

This action further dampen the moods of confused humans who saw him.

Witnessing that, Cole can't help but sigh. But he immediately exit the city mansion and face the thousands of public employees of the city lord's office. 80% of them were compose of city guards.

Not only the employees appear in the city lord's mansion, there were also civilians that appear in hopes of learning about the situation. After all, the city didn't just simply change its ruler but have now become a independent territory.

That is to say, they won't receive any help from the empire should something happen in the city. In the end, despite not reciveing the care of the empire, that said all-powerful empire is everyone's spiritual support.

The moment he came out from the mansion, all the people in the area face him.

Everyone has worries inside their mind and heart, and that includes their new leader.

But the moment Cole come out and show his, it somehow ease the worries of everyone. At the end of the day, almost every human relies on face of the others to make their first impression and character judgement.

And Cole's face is apparently not owned by someone who is merciless and unkind. That alone greatly ease everyone.

Furthermore, the citizens don't know why but the new city lord seem to be emitting a subtle aura that makes him look approachable.

Actually, it was Cole's Innate Ability taking effect, [Friendly Aura].

"Citizens, I'm the new city lord of Towering Tree City, Cole." He introduce himself.

He continue, "What you just heard ia true; the Towering Tree City is now a independent territory from the Empire. That only means that whatever happens to this city, the empire won't send any help."

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