Chapter 7

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A Few days later

Princess Sofia

"Dad, are you okay?" I asked him during breakfast, and he seemed to have a concerned look.

"Yes, Sofia, just a bit confused." He said as we all looked at him.

"About what, Dad?" asked James.

"Well, you know how there seemed to be an issue with bandits attacking certain kingdoms, like Whelsire." He said as we all nodded, and this got me worried.

These were the bandits Hugo told me about and how he thought there would be a war, I have been worried about Hugo going.

Dad had just told us about the bandit's news yesterday, and that wasn't easy information to access, but since Amber was going to be queen soon, she wanted to know.

"Yes, what about them, Dad?" Asked James again.

"They seemed to disappear strangely." He said as I felt a slight relief.

"Isn't that a good thing, Dad?" I asked him as he nodded.

"Usually yes, Sofia, but I don't know. Something doesn't seem right." Said Dad.

"Roley, don't worry about it; if everything is calmed, there isn't anything you can do now." Said Mom as she took hold of Dad's hand.

"Mom is right, Dad; all you can do is prepare in case anything were to happen, but until then, don't stress about something. We aren't sure it's going to happen." I said as he smiled.

"You're right, Sofia; you know I think you'd make a great queen one day." Said Dad as this surprised me.

'Me be a Queen?' I thought this seemed unlikely, but anything is possible. But I still couldn't imagine myself as a queen.

"Thanks, Dad, but I don't see myself as a queen, and I think that's very unlikely," I said, slightly giggling as Dad and Mom looked at themselves.

"Sofia, we want to talk to you about something." Said Dad as I frowned.

"About?" I asked them, nervous.

"It's a bit complicated, but we will discuss it later," Said Mom as I nodded.

Today was Amber's dinner engagement party to officially announce who she is betrothed to and possibly set a date for the wedding.

"Okay," I said to them as they nodded.

We were finishing breakfast when we heard Amber's voice; she was nervous and was preparing last-minute details for this dinner.

"Sofia, please tell me you are coming home today on time?" asked Amber as I nodded.

The last couple of days, I've been staying after school in the library studying for my finals; in three weeks, it was graduation, and these tests were a few days before graduation.

Since we needed to know who would get the honor cords and who would be valedictorian of the class, and since Amber got a high score, I could feel the pressure.

She scored high and made it to the top 20 of the whole graduation class, but then again, Amber was brilliant regarding royal duties.

"Yes, Amber, I will be here. Today is your day, and I will be here to support you every step of the way." I said as she smiled.

"Thank you, Sofia." She said as she hugged me.

"But now I really got to go to school, or I'll be late," I told her as she nodded.

I waved goodbye to my family, hurried to get my books and backpack from the room, and quickly got on the carriage and left.

When I got to school, I noticed Nicolas was also getting out of his carriage.

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