Chapter 13

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Princess Sofia

It was a soft yet passionate kiss as I felt Hugo wrap his arms around my waist as I placed my hands on his neck.

We pulled each other closer but stopped due to the lack of air we were getting; we breathed heavily as our foreheads touched.

"I love you, Hugo," I said as he smiled and cuffed my cheek as I leaned into his palm.

"I love you too, Sof; let's finish the tour before they arrive," He said as I giggled, and we continued to give him a tour of the place.

He showed me their ballroom, the library, gardens, and stables, where I saw Electra for a while before heading to the main entrance to wait for Astrid and her family.

"Well, if it isn't the two lovebirds," Said Axel, smirking as Hugo and I made our way to the front, causing me to blush a bit.

He must have said that because I was holding onto Hugo's forearm as he was holding onto mine.

"Axel, that's enough now," Said King Garrick as he smiled at Hugo and me.

"Welcome to Whelsire Sofia," Said King Garrick as I curtseyed and smiled.

"Thank you, King, Garrick," I said, finishing my curtsey to my future father-in-law.

"No need for such formalities, Sofia, please; we are family now," He said, laughing as I smiled nervously.

"You will always be welcome here; this is your future home from now on, princess, and you can call me Dad from now on," He said as I smiled at him.

"You can even move in right away," Added Axel.

"Axel!" exclaimed Hugo, turning slightly reddish.

Hugo's family welcomed and accepted me as we all laughed, which made my heart flutter.

"Thank you so much, King...." I said but was cut off by Axel.

"Ah, Ah, Ah, not king, Dad," Said Axel as he grinned and winked at me.

"Right, Dad," I said awkwardly as he smiled.

'That was going to take time to get used to.' I thought to myself.

"I am sorry I couldn't receive you. I was getting ready for dinner. I trust that Hugo showed you around?" He said as I was about to answer before Axel continued.

"And kept you company," Said Axel, smirking as I giggled.

"Yes, and no need to apologize for ki... I mean Dad," I corrected myself as he smiled.

I noticed Axel seemed disappointed that I corrected my error and that I paid attention to the teasing.

He was about to say something else when we heard the noise of horses and looked up to see the carriage of Freezenberg arriving.

When the door opened, it revealed King Henrik, Princess Astrid, and Princess Hildegard.

"Welcome to Whelsire, King Henrik, princesses Astrid and Hildegard. I present my sons, Axel and Hugo, along with my future daughter-in-law, Princess Sofia," Said Dad.

"Ah yes, the future king and queen of Whelsire. How are you, Sofia?" Said Hildegard as Astrid nudged her sister to behave.

Hildegard was always spoiled, and because of that, she could sometimes be rude; although she has changed a bit since Royal prep, sometimes, she could still be a bit stuck up.

"I am good Hildegard thank you. King Henrik, Princess Astrid, a pleasure to see you," I said as I curtsey as they smiled at me.

"Thank you, Sofia; it's nice seeing you again as well," said Astrid, smiling.

Sofia and Hugo: Love TriumphsWhere stories live. Discover now