Chapter 23

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Princess Sofia




I heard someone calling my name from a far, I wanted to answer the first time they called, but I couldn't.

I slowly started hearing my name louder and tried to wake up again; I moved my head slowly and stirred my body.

"Look, she's waking up." Said a familiar voice; I think that was James.

I slowly started opening my eyes and saw a bit of fog, I closed and opened them again, and the mist began to disappear, and my vision became clear again.

I saw my whole family next to me and others sitting next to me; it was then I noticed that I was placed on a bed.

"Oh, Sofia, you're alright!" Exclaimed Mom as she rushed to hug me.

"I...W-what happened to me?" I asked, trying to remember what happened.

"That's what we're wondering." Asked Amber.

"All I remember was dancing with Dad, and then I blocked out," I said, looking at my father-in-law and brother-in-law, who looked worried.

"We were dancing, and then you started feeling pain; you could barely speak." Said my father-in-law as my memory started to come back.

"That's right; I started to feel pain and a horrible sting sensation on my abdomen. Then I started feeling very weak and couldn't stand or talk." I said as they all frowned.

"That's very odd." Said, Amber.

"How is she doing?" Asked Astrid as I turned around to face her.

"She's awake now." Said Axel.

"I am so sorry, Astrid and Axel." I started, but they both shook their heads.

"Don't worry about it, Sofia." Said, Astrid.

"The important thing is that you're all better." Added Axel.

"I think it's time we head out; you must rest, Sofia." Said Dad as Mom nodded.

"I agree; the sooner, the better." Said, Amber.

"Alright," I said as I tried to stand up; luckily, James and Amber helped me out of bed.

I was already embarrassed enough; I didn't want to fall and embarrass myself even more.

"Thank you for your time, Henrik." Said Dad as he nodded.

"Thank you for coming, and I hope you feel better, Sofia."

"Thank you, King Henrik, and apologies for earlier," I said as he shook his head.

"Don't worry about it, Sofia; you just rest." He said as I smiled.

"Thank you," I said as we left the room and headed towards our carriage as the staff handed us our coats.

"Thank you for coming." Said Astrid as we smiled.

"Take care, sister-in-law. Wouldn't want Hugo to kill me because I didn't watch over you." Said Axel smirking as everyone laughed.

"Ha-ha, very funny, Axel. Don't worry; I'll take care of myself, brother." I said, rolling my eyes as he smiled.

"I hope you feel better, Sofia." Said my father-in-law as I smiled at him.

"Thanks, Dad; visit soon," I said as he nodded and hugged me.

"Of course, Sofia." He said as our hug ended, and we headed outside to our carriage.

Sofia and Hugo: Love TriumphsWhere stories live. Discover now