Chapter 52

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Two weeks later

King Garrick

It has been two weeks since my last encounter with the General, and a lot has changed, but not for the better. We had a meeting, and sadly, it didn't end well.

We put it to a unanimous vote and decided to remove Sofia as the leader and reinstate the General. It hurt me so much to have her give me that look, but it's what's best for her.

We had a meeting as soon as the General was feeling better, and he said he wouldn't go into an investigation where he wasn't the only leader nor lead the princess to disaster.

Sadly, the General lacked in manners because even though I didn't want Sofia to risk herself, she still did it out of love, and besides, she had proven herself worthy many times.

If it weren't because we were trying to get to him, I wouldn't have made the switch; besides, it had to be believable, so I didn't tell Sofia about this plan either.

I just informed her that the General would take her place, and she was free to return to Enchancia; she tried to persuade me to work with the General.

However, the General believes girls should stay home, not on the battlefield, and I didn't trust him with Sofia.

In the end, she returned to Enchancia upset but understanding. She wasn't the only one like that, though; Axel was, too.

After the switch, many soldiers left because they didn't like how the General was, while others were pulled by their kings.

Although it was hard, I accepted that and understood that this was to be expected; Nicolas was the only one who stayed.

I was surprised, especially when he seemed to change his attitude completely. I realized he was doing this to get on the General's good side.

It seemed to work because they were always together and planned everything accordingly, and again, he was the leader's right hand.

This came in handy because he let me know everything that was going on and what they were planning. The General only told me certain things, not everything.

This way, I was prepared for everything to come, and I'm pretty sure Nicolas is keeping Sofia in touch with everything that has been happening.

I have yet to have the courage to write to her, though I do occasionally send one to Roland and ask him about Sofia.

He tells me she is very well-protected and always stays busy, which is good because it keeps her distracted.

'I hope one day she will be able to forgive me for this,' I thought as I walked through the forest.

Today was the day the expedition would end once and for all; we managed to track down where the General was found and where he claimed to have last seen Hugo.

It wasn't easy, but I managed to convince him to let me go with him on this expedition today. This is why Axel was upset: He, too, wanted to come to this, but I didn't allow it.

My son was a king now, with a wife and baby on the way. His new family was his priority, and even though he was upset, he understood and agreed.

He has been walking for hours, and we're past the borders of Whelsire; if I'm being honest, it looks completely destroyed.

I need to have this place rebuilt into a memorial for all those who died here; it would be an excellent way to remember all those lives. Suddenly, we came to a stop. I looked around and then frowned.

"Why did we stop?" I asked as the General looked at me.

"This is it, my king; this is where I last saw the prince alive," he said as my eyes widened.

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